Chapter 5: When North Comes To Dinner

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Chapter 5: When North Comes To Dinner

Megatron was at the medic's den, receiving some ointments from his medic, Knockout. He's a charming drake with his shiny red scales and eyes that could make all jewels look like rocks. His elegant wings are neatly folded on both sides behind his back. Despite being the healer, he cares more about his scales than anything else. He's studying the dead Eradicon who was burned to death by the volatile flames.

" I've never seen any injury like this before," he told his leader quietly. " Nor a case of patients dying from fire. We're dragons for Primus sake! Yet this flame can't be extinguished by water or a simple beating. I assume the snow where they're from can put out this fire.

" So," he concluded. " The fire acts wild, untameable, invisible if I may. Luckily, I don't have to be out there or it'll ruin this fine finish." He stopped a second to look at his reflection.

The warlord rubbed his temple with his claw. Sometimes, he really wanted to punish him for his vanity. But doing so would mean losing his only medic so he held his rage. How could he failed tonight?! All because he and his clan didn't know the North could produce these wild-like fires.

" Wildfires," he enunciated the word slowly. He will have to keep his guard up if they ever meet again. But, he'll be meeting one of them very soon. Successful as always, Soundwave had captured what he wanted most: His Saber thief. Yet, the Star Saber was not found on her. He ordered his TIC to put her in the brig before he could meet her himself.

" My liege," Knockout interrupted him. " I noticed ever since your Dark Star Saber got stolen, you've become obsessed with this femme of the North."

He blinked. Of course he is! She was the one who caused him to raid her group in the first place. Now that she is here, trapped as his prisoner. He wanted to know more about her, the North and her intentions with his favourite weapon. He watched his medic examining the dead Eradicon who was part of Starscream's armada. He pulled out something which was very small to see.

It was a dart.

" He was poisoned," the red medic explained. Sniffing the tip, he threw it away in disgust, recoiling back to the wall of his den. " Wolf's Bane. The queen of poison. A high amount of this could cause instant death. They are rare in the South. So, using this as a weapon is quite impressive."

Now this is interesting. If he could drag her to Shockwave, brainwash her to become one of his deadly assassins. With her skills, grace,she could be a formidable foe to the Autobots. Not to mention the nights he will do to her as a cruel reminder of her stupidity or bold move.

Making his way to the brig, he dismissed the Eradicon who was guarding their only prisoner. He stood in front of her cell. All thanks to Soundwave and the use of the Resonance Blaster on her. He watched her sleeping form. How she curled up like a cat, back turned against him. Craning his neck, he studied her facial features.

She looked relax but her maw was moving a bit. Probably talking in her sleep. Before he could do anything, she rolled on her back, eyes wide open. The minute she recognised his claws, she groaned.

" Tell me if I'm dreaming."

" Afraid not," he smirked. " You know the reason why. Now tell me, what do they call you?"

" Ygritte," she answered with her eyes boring into him. " I know you're the leader here. Big dog and all." Getting up, she stretched until there are pops in her joints. Megatron would lie if he said he did not find it fascinating. Getting straight to business, he leaned towards the bars of the cell.

" Tell me, where is my Star Saber." She shrugged. " Don't know. Probably away from where you found us. It'll be a long walk before we reach North."

Primus this just gets worse! he thought. Ygritte watched him with an amused expression. " Aww, a tyrant crying over his toy. Boo hoo! I guarantee that you'll not get it back if you keep catching me." With that, she flopped back down to relax.

" Maybe I'll release you if you take me to one of your group who has it."

" Tonight?" she asked.

" Tomorrow at dawn."

" Done."


The next morning, Megatron was woke up from a rude cry. He went to the brig to find the Northerner missing. In her place, an Eradicon chained by muzzle and legs while his scales were covered in prey fur and feathers. He was struggling to cut loose. The leader tore the chains with his teeth and then demanded the Omega Sub about the missing prisoner.

" She knocked me out!" he protested. " I just went down to bring her meal but then, she asked me something. Before I knew it, she punched me!"

Megatron growled. This was not an excuse to let her escape. He'd better go after her alone this time. After all, she sounded sincere when she said she will take him to her group. Just before he leaves, he heard screams from his other clan mates.





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