chapter 1: The Mission

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"kyuubi speaking"

'kyuubi's thoughts'

i do not own naruto 


I awoke angrily as the inferior sun decided to shine right into my eyes. Sighing as I finally gave in and get up stretching and yawned while walking into the bathroom. Cleaning myself up and brushing my hair out of its knotted mess soon finished up and walked over to my closet and notice a new clean outfit with a note on it. Picking up the note reading


My Dearest Sweet Goddaughter Naruko,

Knowing that you are reading this means I am no longer with you and have failed on this mission of mine. I am very sorry my dear for you have lost so much already and would like to not cause you more, but it seems i have. Yet on this top secret mission I can not stop thinking of all the fun we had and seeing this outfit reminded me of you and your mother Kushina who used to have an outfit like this. Although this one has your colors. I have sent this to Tsunade in a scroll for when your last jumpsuit we bought last time gave out or got overly warn to give you this outfit. I want you to know you have made me so proud my dear so keep at it and push on with that lovely heart and strong will of yours my sweet Naruko. For I am now running out of paper it is time for me to say my final good bye my dear.

                                                                           - Love Jiraiya Your Godfather


I smiled as the tears spilled down my cheeks while reading the last words I'd ever read of Ero Sennin's addressed to me.

Carefully setting the note aside as I picked the outfit up and smiled laughing at oh how right he was that I would love and adore it

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Carefully setting the note aside as I picked the outfit up and smiled laughing at oh how right he was that I would love and adore it. Soon I quickly changed into it and looked at myself in the mirror smiling at how good it looked on me and how it made me look more mature. I turn and look sadly at the black ribbon of fabric that was left from when I tore Sasuke's clothing during our last fight and grit my teeth remembering the last words he said to me before subcoming to exhaustion and passed out from chakra loss.


I turned my head to look at Sasuke as he looked up at the blank sky"Well Naruko... it looks like you have finally beaten me. I cant get up and walk away this time. I'm almost drained of chakra but you are too... you know Naruko I......" I tried to stay conscious to hear what he was going to say next but as I did my vision of Sasuke started to fade to black as I finally passed out. 


Sighing as I tied the fabric onto my wrist into a bow and look back into the mirror to clip my bangs to the left like my mother had and with her same exact golden pin smiling. I smiled remebering the letter my mother left in advance for me to take care of it saying it was a gift to her from my father Minato.

Turning to leave my room caused my long golden hair to sway behind me and I smiled. "Ya know I'm gonna let my hair be for now unless I'm brushing it."

"Good kit. It looks better down then when you had it in those weird pigtails of yours" said the Kyuubi chuckling.

"Aww thanks Kura-nii. That means a lot coming from you."I said smiling.

"Well it's true.Plus you seem quiet happy today kit. So whats got you in an upbeat mood hmm"The Kyuubi said.

"Well I got a new outfit that Ero Sennin got me on the mission he died on... but I mean he did good for once huh" I asked looking up at him in my mindscape.

"Hmmm for once he did kit. You look just like your mother in that outfit also. I'm also glad you decided to pop in and say hi."He said.

"Yeah well I got to go and hurry before I'm late in meeting Sakura-chan see ya Kura-nii"I said coming back to reality while walking to where I was to meet Sakura.

'So much like your mother' thought Kyuubi as  he went back to sleep.

Looking ahead on the street seeing Sakura and smile running up to her."Sakura-chaaaaaaan." I smiled widely as she turned to look at me and saw her do a double take of my outfit.

"N-Naruko... I-I thought us and the other girls were supposed to go shopping for your new clothes where did you get those. Also you look beautifully amazing girl." She said to me confused.

"Oh well this is the last gift Ero Sennin left for me. He wanted me to have it when my last jumpsuit decided to wear out of shape. He originally gave it to Baa-chan to keep safe till I needed it. I'm guessing she over heard us yesterday about me needing to go shopping and left it in my closet last night."I said with reassurance and excitement bubbling out of me.

"Plus I still need a few things so it looks like the shopping's still a go"I said smiling.

"Okay well lets go" She responded by pulling me along to meet the other girls.

*******time-skip three hours later back at Naruko's home********

Soon as I returned home I collapsed upon my couch ollapsed onto my couch. Then after a few minutes groaning to realize I still had to put the items away. I sighed getting up and start to unpack all the bags putting them away and then packing a mission bag. I glanced at my calendar and noticed I needed to put some girl stuff in my bag in case I start on my mission. I look around my apartment then grab my bag and leave heading to the hokage building.

While walking into the hokage's office I looked at Baa-chan noticing that she looked overly pale and frizzed out. "Umm Tsunade you okay? You look more overly stressed then normal. Whats got ya so frizzed out?" I asked cautiously.

"Huh... I thought I'd never hear the day that you said my name again Naruko... Guess it looks that bad huh?"she said while looking up at me from the mission folder in her hands. "Well hell there's more to add to. You look more mature and beautiful. Jiraiya actually chose something good for once and he was right you do look just like your mother wearing that. Oh and I have your next mission here in my hands. This mission is why I'm frizzed and it's an S-Rank mission Naruko be careful my dear." she said as she handed me the mission file.

Opening the file and quickly scanning over till I saw one name Sticking out at me... Sasuke Uchiha. With that I disappeared like the wind of my chakra.

" You know Kakashi...those poor children don't even understand there own feelings for each other." Tsunade said sighing.

" Yes you are correct hokage-sama. But I feel they will sooner rather then later." Kakashi said glancing at the mission file Naruko left on the desk. "So... he's decided to come out of hiding just to lure her huh. Be safe and smart about this Naruko."


and this ends chapter one my lovely kits.

I have already written chapter soon  and it will be up loaded in three days or maybe four but i got finals soon so yeah uuuuugh lol...

 oh well let me know what you thought of it kk 

love you bye my lovely kits

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