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Every night, since Leo left, Calypso would ask the gods for her release off of Ogygia.

Of course, there was no answer or any sign of her being able to leave.

Please, please, please let me leave Ogygia and find Leo? Or even bring Leo back and we can leave together?? This is what she would say every night.

But there was never an answer.


Ugh.... Ogygia has to be on one of these maps, thought Leo as he triple checked the pile of maps that sat on his desk in his cabin of the Argo II.

Knock knock knock!

"Come in."

"Hey Leo, I found this on this on the deck. It looks like a crystal," said Jason as he walked in Leo's cabin.

Leo looked up from the maps with surprise. He remembered seeing crystals in Calypso's cave.

"What?? Let me see!"

Leo got up and took the crystal from Jason and studied it. "It is! It is!!"

"Is what?" asked Jason confused.

"This is a crystal from Calypso's cave! But how did it get here? Where did u find it?"

"Ohh, and I found it near Festus."

Leo ran out of his cabin to the upper decks and ran near Festus.

He then noticed a hole of some sort in the navigation pad. It looks like the crystal could fit here..., thought Leo

He tried to fit the crystal there. "It fits!!" yelled Leo!!

"What fits?" asked Piper cp,omg up from below decks.

"The crystal..." said Leo as the boat lurched upwards farther into the sky. The crystal started to glow showing where to go.

Suddenly the boat stopped. Zeus then appeared on the deck.


Calypso sat on her bed getting emotional over the piece of fabric she held in her hands. It was the only memory she had of Leo. The bad boy supreme, she smiled at this thought.

"Calypso, I know your here," said a voice outside her cave.

Leo?? she thought instantly.

As she made her way to the entrance to her cave, she tried not get her hopes up about the voice belonging to Leo.

Just as I thought, it's not Leo, she thought as she can face to face with Zeus.

"What do you want?" said Calypso to Zeus angrily.

Zeus sighed. "I just came to get a crystal from your cave." Zeus followed her inside her cave.

"Why? You have jewels of your own on Olympus. You shouldn't have any need for them."

"The crystal isn't for me, it's for, now what was his name? Leon? No, Leroy? No-"

"Leo??" said Calypso happily.

"Yes, Leo Valdez."


"Because I have been getting your questions about bringing Leo back here."

"Can you do it?"

"Yes but I need one crystal."

"Yes take as much as you need!"

Zeus walked over to the crystals and took one down. "This is all I require. Now good day"

With that, Zeus disappeared, leaving a very happy Calypso standing alone with a big smile on her face.


"Leo Valdez?" boomed Zeus.

"Here, Zeus" said Leo.

"I see you have found the crystal I left," said Zeus staring at the crystal.

"Yes, but how... This crystal is from Calypso's cave."

"Yes I know but I have my ways. Now, Calypso's been asking for your return ever since you left-"

"She has!?? Yes!!! I knew it!! She loves me!!" Leo cheered. By now everyone had gathered onto the upper decks, and was staring at Leo. Leo stopped cheering and looked down blushing. All the demigods started giggling, that is except for Leo.

"As I was saying, I decide to visit her and get that crystal. Now when you continue, you must shut your eyes. The navigation pad will beep once when you all need to shut your eyes."

"Ok, is that all?" asked Leo.

"Yes." With that, Zeus vanished and the ship continued to lurch upwards.


The navigation pad beeped. Everyone then shut their eyes.

I'm going to see Calypso after 4 weeks, thought Leo as he smiled.


Hi!! :D

This is the second last chapter, it's my first book so it's gonna be short.

But did you all think it was good other than length?

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Leo and Calypso, The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now