More Yuri!!! on Ice

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So, I got tagged again by Yaoi_Queen_Bleh so, I'm going to do it.

Yuri!!! on Ice Tag


What are You going to do when Yuri!!! on Ice ends?
Probably cry, talk about my misery with OTC members, be depressed, more crying.... Then I'll finally watch animes that I didn't ended watching yet.

What would You do if Victuuri was end OTP (if It was cannon, but It didn't work out)?
Probably same thing as when It'll end.... But more deeply.

What do You think of Yakuuri (Yakov x Yuuri)?
*puking sounds*
I'm glad that I don't have Tumblr account.

What would You do, if Victuuri was trending? (I don't really know what dies that mean, hope something good.)
If It means what I think, I would be very happy.

I hope You liked this, thanks a lot to Yaoi_Queen_Bleh for tagging me.

I tag :







I don't feel like making new questions, so use same ones I did.
Thanks a lot once more, hope You like it.

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