Guess what? Another Yuri!!! on Ice Tag

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So, lately I've got tagged a lot by this Wonderful person Yaoi_Queen_Bleh. And today isn't exception. So let's get started!

Another Yuri!!! on Ice Tag


What do You think about the Phichit meme?
It's real.... Too real.

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I've got more

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I've got more.... Don't wanna spam it here.... Another question!

If Yuuri x Yuri (Yurio) was cannon, what would You do?
I would probably feel bad for Victor. But, You know, It's not bad ship, just Victuuri is better.

Do You think that Emil looks like Pewdiepie?
Indeed He does, but let's talk more about how I'm proud of our "brothers" Czechs that They have characters in animes but, Why TF WE DON'T!!! I'm not Patriot, I don't really like our country, but We do have.... beautiful nature... kind of... So, please anime industry, mangakas, get us in Anime/Manga, We were one republic with Czechs. So, let us be in anime mor... *beeep*
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Ehmm... Sorry for that... Let's continue!

If Yuuri doesn't win gold at GPF, what will You do?
I will be expecting Yuuri to ask Victor to marry Him, because He promised to Victor that He'll give Him something round and golden for Christmas. So if He won't win golden medal, He should give him golden ring. Simple as that!

Do You ship JJ x Yuri (Yurio)?
No. I like Yuri.
What? I don't like Jj.

Knowing that Yuuri and Victor will go on a date next episode, how do You feel about It?
They will?!? I didn't know about that!! I'm super-duper happy 'bout It!!

If You could have any Yuri!!! on Ice character for a day, who would It be and why?
Yuuri. He's my new Husbando, He's cute and sexy, We could talk about our crippling depression together, finally I could hug someone,.... Yeah, Him.

This is the end of this tag, hope You liked it, as always I have to tag more people, so here We go!





And today I'm NOT tagging demax12321, so chill bro. Chill.

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