Chapter 3

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Mike and Johnny arrived at their campsite after two hours on the road. Johnny was still asleep. Mike carefully, quietly removed the tent and camping gear from the Rover. Having been camping with Johnny several times he knew where to place the tent. He skillfully erected the tent and built a fire. Once he had the fire going he started a pot of coffee. During his activities he had also slipped a blanket over his friend. They were up in the mountains now and the air was quite a bit chillier than down in LA. He also left the windows to the Rover open to allow the mountain breeze to blow through. This was Johnny's world and Mike knew he loved the fresh mountain air. With camp made Mike decided to start working on lunch. Gathering a fishing pole and tackle he headed down to the edge of the lake about ten yards away.

Johnny slept for another hour while Mike fished. Waking up a little stiff from sitting in the Rover for so long Johnny wrapped the blanket around his shoulders and stumbled over to the coffee he smelled on the fire. Grabbing a cup he poured some of the hot brew. He sniffed it appreciatively and took a sip. He noticed Mike down on the bank. "Mornin' Mike."

"Hey Johnny, did you have a good nap?"

"Yeah whatcha doin'?"

"Catching lunch, are you hungry?" Mike pulled the stringer of fish out of the water revealing that he had been successful in his pursuit of enough fish for the two of them. "I'll just get these cleaned and ready for the skillet. Why don't you just relax and drink some more of that coffee."

"Okay I think I will. Man I don't think Roy and I have had that busy of a night in a long time. I hate it was like that right before our trip up here." Johnny poured another cup of coffee and sat down on a log near the fire pit.

"Don't worry about it Johnny. We're here now and I'm going to fry us up some amazing fish and fix some beans. You'll feel better in not time. I know you must be starving." Mike cleaned the fish in no time and had the food cooking over the open flame. The two friends ate in companionable silence. Mike because he was always quiet. Johnny because in the mountains he loved to be still and listen to the sounds of the nature around him. After finishing their meal and washing up the dishes in the edge of the lake they decided to go for a swim. It was early afternoon, and out of experience they knew that later in the day the water and the mountain air would be too cool to enjoy it.

"Hey Mike why don't we get the boards, and I'll show you a little about how to use them?"

"Okay by me," Mike said as he followed Johnny to the Rover.

"Why is it that I grew up in Montana, and I can surf while you grew up out here in California and you can't?"

"I don't know I just never learned. I guess I was so quiet even in high school that nobody ever invited me. I tried a couple of times, but never seemed to be able to stand up on the board. I gave up trying." Mike shrugged his shoulders and looked down at the surf boards. "Hey Johnny why is that one so much thinner than this one?"

"Well Mike that thin one is mine. It's for more experienced surfers. It actually cost about three times more than the starter board. The one you're going to use is thicker to help with balance and floatation." Johnny spread his hands across his chest and grinned his biggest crooked grin. "Since I don't need help with floatation and balance I can use a professional board. This baby will glide through the water like a knife through butter."

Mike laughed at his friend. "Well why don't you show me why we are up here in the mountains with surf boards instead of down there in the ocean."

"Balance my friend. It starts with balancing on your board. Now let's get these into the water and see what ya got."

The two friends slipped into the cool mountain lake. "Man that's a little cold!" Johnny almost yelled.

Mike stood waist deep in the lake with his hands on the board. "What do I do first?"

Johnny demonstrated how to get up on the board without tipping over. Mike tried it unsuccessfully dunking into the lake several times before finally getting up on the board. Johnny made him get off and back on the board several times before they could move on to the next lesson. Once Mike seemed like he could get on his board with ease they moved on to paddling. "Now Mike you want to get down close to your board and paddle straight ahead, so you cup your hands a little and dig in." Johnny demonstrated for Mike and watched as he moved the board through the water. Mike actually did this part with no problem at all. "Okay that's enough for now. If we don't get started catching dinner we may have to get by on trail mix." Laughing at Johnny's comment the two men left the lake and put their surf boards on the bank, grabbed their fishing poles and started working on catching their next meal. One thing Johnny insisted on was at least partially living off the land. When he camped by himself he would usually bring a bag of homemade trail mix. He used fresh berries and nuts, coconut, and dried fruits. He would usually eat fish. However, when he brought friends along he would also bring some canned beans and sometimes eggs and bacon. Johnny knew Mike enjoyed catching their meals too, so he had not brought the eggs and bacon on this trip. In a short while they had enough fish for dinner and started the preparation.

Everyone at the Station made fun of Johnny's cooking abilities. He usually fixed hamburgers and hot dogs claiming he didn't know how to cook much, but they all knew that on a camp fire Johnny was a wonderful chef. He could prepare a meal fit for a king over an open fire. Mike sat back and watched as Johnny expertly prepared dinner.

After dinner they decided to go on a short hike. Johnny liked to go up to a ledge overlooking the valley below where it seemed like he was up in the clouds looking down on the earth below. Whenever he camped up here he would sit up there and watch the sunset and then gaze at the stars in the clear night sky. Mike liked the fact that Johnny appreciated the beauty of nature. It helped him to learn to take in his own surroundings. Funny thing was that the always moving and always talking Johnny Gage of the crew of Station 51 was a different person up in the woods. Here he was very quiet and still. In the woods Johnny actually seemed to be one with nature. He moved quietly and softly not disturbing the peace of it all. Johnny was a very complex man.

Mike wondered about the question Johnny had asked him earlier. 'How was it that Johnny grew up in Montana and could surf, and he having grown up in California couldn't?' What had kept him from learning? Was he embarrassed? Was he too shy? He didn't have an answer to that. What he did know is that he had not had very many friends growing up and now the crew at Station 51 made up most of his collection of friends now. He was extremely quiet most of the time and because of that people just thought he wasn't any fun. The truth was that he actually could be quite funny and entertaining given the chance. It took Mike a long time to warm up to others, but once he had they enjoyed his company. He truly hoped that if he learned to surf he would have a chance with the girl he saw. Something about her made his heart stir.

Johnny stood up and without a word the two friends made their way back down the trail to camp and settled in for the night.

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