Dirty Cape

21 1 6

"So vamps killing humans, basically?"

"Yep, basically." Dean replied to me. Simple, we've done it before.

The boys and I were on the road, I had a newspaper in my hand and the headlines were 'Dead bodies found, no blood and 2 holes in necks'. Everyone thinks its vamps and its true but other think its 'mad cannibalistic drug-addicts'. Well, we're just gonna sort it out, as usual.

I'm Y/N Winchester, the sister of the Winchester bros. We have been through a hell lotta crap. Mum died, Dad died, Bobby died. Yeah... pretty much all of our family died. It's just us 3 plus an angel; so 4 really...

"So we gank 'em and go? Cuz I am hungry for some pie." I tapped my stomach twice.

"This is why I love you, sis." Dean was still facing the road but put his hand up and I slapped my own against his.

"Hey, what about me?" Sam furrowed his eyebrows while smiling.

"You're too tall to high five, moose." 

"Shut up Y/N." We all laughed, times like this I loved.

"Hello." I heard a gruff voice and screamed, Dean jumped and swerved left and tried to get back properly on the road.

"Cas... How many times have we said this? Don't. Scare us." Dean said while trying to get his breathing normal.

"I'm sorry, Dean. I thought I'll come along, join the ride and hunt. So what are we hunting?"

"Vamps. People in the area are dying," Sam said.

"What is our plan of attack?"

"We're going to their nest, dead mans blood and beheading. It'll be easier with an angel." Sam added.

"Right," He smiled sweetly. "This will be easy, I guess."

"How many are there?" Dean raised an eyebrow.

"Like.... 50?"

"50? Pshh, we can handle that."

Time skip


Another head cut off as I swung my axe; screams and hissing surrounding us. Big white glows appearing and disappearing. I swung my axe again after I stabbed the vamp with dead mans blood. Their own blood dripping down my face and splattering all over the walls of the nest. I kept swinging as bodies and heads dropped to the ground. I felt my arm being tugged and a hiss next to my ear. I felt the 2 fangs touch my skin and a sudden bright burst of white light shone. I was let go and the body dropped. Turning around, I saw Cas and smiled while he nodded back. I returned back to slashing and decapitating. 

Then... Silence. They were all gone, at least the ones that didn't escape.

"That was fun but I need a shower," I said to break the silence.

Dean snickered, "That's what she-"

"You shut the fuck up." I quickly said.

"Let's get cleaned up." Sam tried to contain his laugh.

"And then PIE!" I shouted as we walked over to the car. I grabbed a rag and wiped my face and took off my jacket to replace it with a clean one.

"Spare jackets in the trunk," I slapped Dean's head as he was about to hop into the car. "You want to drive the impala without the cops thinking we just murdered the crap out of people, right?"

"Ow! Ok, geez." He rubbed his head and went to grab a jacket.

Time skip

"She's my Cherry Pie!
Cool drink o' water!
Such a sweet surprise!

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