Chapter 21:Awakening Part 1

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Part 1
Five years ago
Location: dark howler territory

He hid himself deep in the brushes of a bush,awaiting the voice of command over the intercom " this is alpha team reporting in,we're in position and ready to move." Skarr presses the button on his wrist to communicate with his team" this is alpha team leader reporting in,I'm in position and ready to move." "this is home base alpha team,move in and take them out,no children casualties. over and out." as skarr felt a tap on his shoulder he and his time move silently through the dark of the night,completely covered in darkness and they make way to the packhouse. taking out any wolves along the way until they reach the house,as he skillfully paraclimbs the packhouse he sits perched on the edge of the house as he scouts the targeted house in his sight and communicates over the intercom" this is skarr,I'm at the rendezvous point. where's beta squad?" suddenly he hears a ear piercing scream along with a growl and a gun shot,skarr cursed to himself as he stays in his position while his com link is voiced over by a panicked" alpha team we've got trouble,it's a trap! they were ready for us! aggh!!" skarr hissed and cuts off his com link and jumps down from the top of the pack house knocking out a werewolf in the process,he then quietly makes his way to alpha house. two guard wolves stand in his way growling,the one to skarrs left pathetically lunges at him as the second lunges after but both are easily knocked out and taken care of due to skarrs intense training. after that little scuffle skarr makes his way into the house." this is alpha team leader skarr I'm in the house if anyone is still alive i-"suddenly he slips into a room as he hears steps descend,hiding behind the open door he then senses a prescence that only an alpha can emit. Skarr then unsheathes his daggers from their back hilts ready to fight until the alpha himself starts to laugh out of nowhere" nice try,you hunters are smart but your still dumb. we're under the code by a certain law that I'm sure you know about." Skarr tenses and sheaths his daggers walking out from behind the door seeing the alpha standing now infront of him but he wasn't intimidated in the slightest. "alpha Bradley Maximum,son of former alpha Kendrick and former luna Marie,nice to meet you at last." Bradley smiles in confidence" so the code does compel you after all?" Skarr smiles " hmph you'd be surprised,oh and by the way your surrounded" Bradley laughs" you're a fo-" skarr then points behind Bradley toward the window and Bradley turns around all to fast to find that indeed his entire house was surrounded with men and women from the Wolf Slayer clan. Knowing he's badly out numbered,Bradley tries to make a run for it only to be nailed in the chest by a clothesline from skarr from running in his direction. Skarr then knocks out Bradley and turns on his com link" this is skarr to home base,mission is done requesting for evac." as skarr waits for further orders,his men and women of his squad round up the prisoners. then out of nowhere over the com link a female voice is heard" this is home base,accepting request for evac,I am senator Amanda Parker by the way nice to meet you. I will see you when we touch ground."

Skarr nods over at his second in command and turns heading to the evac. point while the rest of his squad burns the pack of wolves to the grounds,as he gets into the helicopter and takes off he thinks to himself "atleast they burned together" as the helicopter lands on the landing pad and his squad comes off and onto home base,he sees a slender woman with black hair and glasses in a suit skirt standing with a clipboard on hand. as he walks closer to her his eyes scan hers as he now stands infront of her" hello senator Parker,it's nice to meet you" she nods as they shake hands" hello skarr,it's nice to meet you as well and I must say your record being clean  this long also with 25 confirmed alpha kills is very impressive indeed" Skarr nods as they walk inside the head leaders mansion from a secret door in the head leaders study of books. as they enter into the library they find the head leader justin waiting for them " ah skarr,senator amanda so nice to see you" skarr nods as amanda walks over to justin and sits down infront of him with justin behind his desk,skarr comes and sits down next to her as amanda puts her clipboard on his desk.
Skarrs master Qui lin knocks and comes in as amanda starts to talk" I'm glad your all here,even though the wolves and humans somewhat still co-exsist your head Sergeant in command wants your clan to dispand and if you don't then you will all die." justin tenses as Qui lin unsheathes one of his swords and holds it at her neck" how dare you come in my home and demand shit from me,I would've thought you of all people would be smart enough to avoid making a threat against me."Skarr just watches as amanda starts to laugh as justin suddenly drops dead from a head shot from in the back window. Qui lin then drives his blade into amandas neck killing her and then turns to skarr handing him a scroll" here it has everything I taught you,don't you dare come back here,you know what must be done." Skarr nods and walks toward the secret entrance that he and amanda had come out of as Qui lin sets a fire ablaze and draws his blades from his back sheaths ready to fight honorably.
So that's what skarr did,he left that night and didn't dare look or go back until one morning when he found refuge in a hotel,he got a call from the head Sergeant Ares telling him of another clan he was to come in contact with in 2 days time. with this new clan,skarrs life started again with lose he Gained knowledge of the martial arts and wisdom of his masters teachings through which he grew,however their was one thing didn't leave his mind and the death of his master had him broken on the inside.
5 years later
location:Red Dawn pack (Kimberly and Amber)

As he now lay on the hospital bed,skarr opened his eyes slowly at the sound of a beeping monitor and looks around slowly to see himself in a hospital room to see the nurse looking at him startled "what happend to me?" the nurse clears her throat and hands him the glass of water as the doctor comes in with his clipboard and looks at skarr with the same look as the nurse as skarr let's out a sigh" alright let's try this again,what happend to me?"the doctor then clears his own throat and begins to speak" I'm doctor benjamin,or Ben for short,you were in an episode a few hours ago and lashed out at one of our employees. you're in-" skarr huffs" I know where I am and I know who I am" Ben then nods continuing to speak" you were injected with lycan blood,normally it would instantly make you phase within a few days but for whatever reason it seems the blood wasn't a huge dose." Skarr nods at the information until a howl is heard through the night a howl that skarr somehow recognized as the doctor writes down something on the clipboard,skarr takes the Iv out of his arm and gets out of bed. Ben looks up in worry" where are you going?" Skarr walks over to a pair of clothes and takes off his hospital gown and puts on his clothes that consist of a plain black tshirt and jeans with black shoes.
Skarr then turns around to Ben after putting on his clothes" I'm going after my mates." Skarr then walks out of the hospital room toward the exit of the hospital and takes in a deep breath of air saving the smell of the forest in his nose,then suddenly his body moves as if it has a mind of its own as he smells a scent of vanilla and pineapples with a hint of peaches. he follows the scent as he runs through the forest toward kims and ambers house,he stops at the door when he hears crying and walks in after busting down the door to see amber on the floor holding a crying kim in her arms until the door hitting the floor startles them and they both look up. Amber and Kim look at eachother and then back to their mate still standing in the door way,Skarr is back home.

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