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Newt hurried along the inside of the Magical Congress of the United States of America headquarters looking around. It was busy with witches and wizards hurrying about. The sound of people talking, phones ringing, shoes tapping the floor, and rustling of papers filled Newt's ears. Newt was lost and hadn't remember where to go. Tightening his grip on the suitcase handle, he looked around for a familiar face to ask for directions. Standing still, Newt stood still while his eyes danced off one head to another. Until his eyes landed on his friend, Queenie. Queenie Goldstein was a fairly tall, strawberry blonde lady. She is the youngest daughter of the Goldstein children, she has an older sister named Tina.

Quickly, Newt stumbled while mumbling out "oops," "terribly sorry," and "pardon me" to the people he ran into.

Queenie stopped walking and turned to see Newt. Her sad features only brighten slightly when she saw her friend. Locking her fingers together, she offered a small smile. "Newt Scamander, I thought I heard your loud thoughts." Newt stopped stumbling when he stood in front of Queenie. Scratching the back of his neck, he gave a little smile back.

"Hello, Queenie. How have you been?" He asked looking down at her.

"Just fine. How are yea, honey?" Queenie tried sounding like her normal self but was failing. Newt could tell she was off but didn't have time to ask.

"Quite well, can you take me to the council? I have a meeting with them and I can't seem to figure out how to get there." Queenie nodded and escorted her British friend to the elevators. Leaning down, she told the elevator operator to take him to the floor of the council room.

"He'll point yea in the direction of where your going, honey. I have to go back to work, my break is almost up." Queenie explained turning around. Newt walked in the elevator and called out to her.

"Queenie, do you know where Tina is by any chance?" The strawberry blonde turned back and only gave a sad smile before walking away without looking back. Newt leaned back against the back of the elevator cage, face scrunched up in confusion.


"Mr. Scamander, thanking for joining us today." The President of the Magical Congress, Madame Picquery spoke. Newt stood in the middle of the room, glanced at the council around him and gave a tiny smile. "I'm sure you got our letter?" She asked.

"Yes I did." Newt replied. Bending down, he placed his suitcase on the ground right next to his feet. "Um what exactly am I here for?"

Madame Picquery closed her eyes for a second, letting out a sigh through her nose before opening them. "It appears that Gellert Grindelwald has escaped custody recently. He had the help of a women fortune teller. This fortune teller told him about a person who has and can control the Obscurus they have. Grindelwald came to headquarters a few days ago and was looking for a portal that could take him to find the person."

"What kind of portal?" Newt asked.

"A portal that will allow him to travel through time. This person does not live in our time that this horrible man is looking for."

"Why is he looking for another person with an Obscurus?" Newt asked.

"Isn't obvious?" A man within the council called out. "He wants to finish what he's started." Murmurs of agreement filled the room.

"Quiet!" The President called. "When Grindelwald found the portal there was a person standing in his way, trying to stop him." Her voice grew quieter as her gaze shifted to the floor. "She died in the process of doing so." Looking up, she held her hands in front of her.

"Who was she?" Newt felt his stomach fall slightly as the room grew silent.

"It was Ms. Goldstein sister, Tina, Mr. Scamander. I'm sorry for your loss." Madame Picquery answered softly. A hint of pain hit Newt in the chest and some guilt in his stomach. That explained why Queenie was so off and how he hadn't heard from Tina that week.

Shaking his head, he hid his emotions and looked up at the president. "Thank you but if I'm going to stop this man, I will need to know more."

"After he killed Ms. Goldstein, he took off into the portal. We don't know how he opened it but he did. Now what we need for you to do is to find Grindelwald before he finds the person with the Obscurus. When you find this man, bring him back to where the same location the portal took you. That is where the portal will open up and allow you to come back. Will you help us, Mr. Scamander?" Newt stood there and fiddled with his fingers for a moment. Glancing down, he looked at his suitcase before letting out a shaky breath.

"I'll do it." Looking up, he met the eyes of the president. He saw relief and hope in her eyes as she gave a nod to him. Walking down the few steps, she walked up to Newt.

"I will take you to the portal myself." Bending down, Newt picked up his suitcase and gave a nod to show he was ready. Madame Picquery led Newt out of the council room and into the elevator.

"What floor, Madame?" The goblin operator grumbled out.

"Restricted Access." The ride up was quiet. Newt still couldn't believe Tina was actually gone but for some reason he didn't feel as upset as he should be. He should've been tearing up and wanting to hid in his suitcase. But he didn't, so he stood there thinking to why he doesn't feel that way.

When the elevator stopped, it pulled Newt from his thoughts. Following the president, he noticed that there wasn't a sign of anyone. The Restricted Access area was behind a dark brown door. The president mumbled a secret password which unlocked the door and opened fully. Inside, there was a great deal of filing cabinets everywhere with drawers opened at different lengths, papers were all scattered on the floor, the smell of ink and old books filled Newt's nose. Overall, this place was a mess.

Madame Picquery stopped in front of a huge circular door on the wall. It was silver, metal, and looked untouched. A wheel was placed in the middle of the huge door.

"Stand back, Mr. Scamander." The president called aloud and pulled out her wand causing Newt to step back. Her wrist bent down slowly around, rotating it so when she pointed up again her fingers clutched around the wand showed. The wheel began to turn slowly and the door pulling back to reveal a portal. The portal was dark blue pool with millions of stars filling it.

Newt stood there looking into the portal in amazement.

"When you go into the portal think of the year 2016 along with the location, New York City." Madame Picquery stood behind Newt, looking into the pool of stars as she talked. "Good luck, Mr. Scamander and thank you for doing this."

Newt glanced back at her before giving a firm nod. Looking down at his suitcase, he whispered to it. "Are you all ready?" Then Newt stepped in and transported to New York City, year 2016.

Hello, lovely readers! Welcome to my new book and my account! I hope you all will enjoy my book and follow me along Newts journey! Feel free to message me any time and please like, comment, and share my book!

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