Scott's Boyfriend Pt.1

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Sometimes Scott touched me a little too much.

Like when we walked in the halls, his hand was always on the small of my back or holding mine. I don't have an issue with it or anything, because he is my boyfriend and that's what couples do, but I think people are afraid to come near me because of him. He is very overprotective.

The amount of stares we get in the hall is very extreme. He is popular, I am not, but somehow, I've gained popularity from him. People know not to fuck with "Scott's boyfriend", and that was all I was. I didn't have a name. It was just "Did you hear about Scotts boyfriends parents? Apparently they don't love him," which is completely false, but whatever. If Scott knew about these rumors, he'd beat the shit out of someone so I just stayed quiet.

"Mitch!" I hear my best friends voice call. The friends that actually cared about me. They were there for me before Scott was. And Scott didn't like me hanging out with them because "they're nerds", but I didn't care what he thought. I attempt to turn around to see Kevin, but Scotts hand that was connected to mine stopped me. He continued to pull me.

"Scott," I say. He stops and angrily turns around. He seemed mad for some reason this morning, he said no more than two words to me. "Let go," I say.

"Alex is waiting for us," he says eagerly. "They're in the cafeteria."

"And my friends are behind me, now let me go see them," he groans and let's go of my hand. I walk towards Kevin, Scott following me. "What are you doing?" I ask him.

"Coming with you," he states.

"You don't like my friends?"

"But I like you," he shrugs. I ignore it and walk to Kevin, giving him a hug. I see Scott tense behind me, but I ignore him. I hug Kirstie and Avi, as well as Esther. I rarely got to see them anymore with Scott controlling me the whole time.

I talk with my friends, catching up with Kirstie's boy drama, Kevin's cello auditions, Avi's debate club speech, and Esther's project due tomorrow.

"Well, look who it is!" I groan when I hear Alex's voice reek from behind me. "Did Scotty over here ditch us for these nerds?" He says. Knowing Scott wouldn't say anything, I decided too.

"Shut the fuck up, Alex," I spit at him.

"Or what, pretty boy? You're gonna hurt me with you fragile hands?" Alex shoots back with a smirk.

"Don't talk to him like that," Scott says, finally speaking to. "We were coming, Alex. He just wanted to say hi to his friends."

"Aren't we his friends?" Alex asks with another smirk.

"No, you're not," I say quickly.

"Mitch, come on-" Scott starts.

"No, Scott. These people are not my friends," I say and point at Alex's little posse. Alex laughs. He pulls his friends away from us, Scott trying to follow while grabbing my hand. I pull it away. "I'm not going with them."

"Don't act like this right now," he says.


"Nevermind. You're being a pain." He says.

"Why don't you do something for me sometime? Like come stay with my friends. I'm tired of hanging around your friends all of the time." He shakes his head angrily and storms off. "Fuck you too!" I shout as he walks away. I turn back to my friend who awkwardly are standing and waiting.

"Have you ever thought about breaking up with him?" Kirstie proposes.

"Almost too much," I mumble.

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