Chapter 18. Tag, You're It/Milk And Cookies ♡

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I waited for Melanie to awaken. We were at the Avenda Hotel. I had tied her to the bed like she'd once did to me. It was about 8 a.m now. I'd made her a batch of cookies and poured her a glass of milk. I was sitting at the table directly across from the bed, watching her. I'd given her a black eye. She was asking for it.

Melanie started to struggle. She opened her eyes and looked straight at me. There was a moment of silence for about 1 minute.

"Let me go."
"Please?? Please!? What've I done to you?"
"Oh Melanie, you're asking the wrong question to the wrong person."
She looked at me worriedly.
"I made you some sweets, love. I know they're your favorite."
"I'm not very hungry."
Melanie said.
I stood still for a few seconds, just staring at her. She looked frightened. I grabbed the milk and threw it at her, I then threw the glass at the hotel room door, and it shattered. I picked up the plate of cookies and tossed them at her as well. Throwing the plate in the other direction, waiting to hear it break on the tile. I must've not tied the knots tight enough because Melanie got up quickly and pushed me over the table. She was in only her bra and underwear, and was no longer in her heels. She opened the door and ran out. I got up as quickly as I could and ran out the door. I watched the elevator doors close with Melanie in it, and I ran toward the electronics room down the stairs on the 2nd floor. I grabbed the axe in the fire extinguisher box and smashed the wires with it. Everything was dark and I heard the elevator crash.

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