f i n a l

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Sehun groaned as soon as someone pulled off his cozy blanket that wrapped around his lean figure. He immediately greeted with the warm sunlight peeking from the opened curtains of the room and groaned groggily.

The culprit bravely dragged his feet off from the bed, knowing him very well that it was the only way to wake him up and he was right. Sehun finally sat up, glaring at the muscular figure in front of him who only broke into a wide sheepish grin despite the fierce eyes Sehun shot at him. "Seriously, Jackie, it's Sunday and all what you do is disturbing my peaceful sleep?!" The younger of the two snapped with a bloodshot eyes. The result from doing all nighter to finish a new video game he bought last week.

Jackson or Jackie for the short―the muscular figure he said earlier―did not seemed to be feeling guilty. He threw an innocent smile at him before scratched his neck, "You're all my only hope for today, Hun. Jaebum is out with his big family out of the town and Jinyoung has an important all day long anniversary date to go."

"Did you just indirectly accusing that I'm a bummer?" He retorted with a scoff and Jackson clicked his tongue. "At least you don't seem to have important thing to do today, right? Please come with me to the Library today, 'kay?" He showed him the infamous puppy face of him and it made the latter grunted in annoyance.

He sighed before shook my head in disbelief, hands massaging his temple because suddenly he was feeling dizzy. "Okay, okay. Just wait me in the living room and please don't steal any food from the refrigerator while I'm showering." Sehun sent a warning look to him and Jackson saluted him with a boyish grin, "Yes, Sir!"

"We're here!" Jackson exclaimed happily as his car entered the Seoul National Library area, contrasted to Sehun's dark expression. "Just be fast, okay?" He reminded him and flashed out his phone to play some games.

Jackaon shot him a shocked look. "What? You're not going down with me?"

Sehun shrugged, hands busy to find an interesting game in his phone. "I don't see the need of me going down with you there."

Jackson pouted, once again, he showed his puppy eyes to him, "Meanie! At least come down with me. I promise I'll treat you a bubble tea on our way home later." He showed a peace sign with his index and middle finger, an attempt to do a cute act to persuade the latter, even it gave the opposite effect to the subject.

"Ugh, fine!" Sehun quickly slapped his hand before his friend could do anything further and ordered him to park the car.

Jackson obediently parked the car and almost opened the door when Sehun's voice stopped him. "You're not bring anything?!" His eyes widened at the older one. "Do you seriously want to finish your thesis or no?!"

Jackson turned back to look at him weirdly. "Well, as you can see―"

"As you can see my ass," Sehun repeated and sighed tiredly before opened the door and hopped off. "You're not possibly planning to get hooked with a girl here, right?"

"All I need is just my phone with me to take a picture of the material I need, okay?" Jackson pointed out, voice sounded so firm with no trace of doubt and Sehun snorted, "Right, modern boy."

"Oh, and can you walk around by yourself? I don't want all girls swooning over you when we walk together, you know," He added an air quote on the end of his sentence and Sehun could only face―palming himself. Jackson and his forever jealousy. "God, what's your real motive to go here actually?!"

"First off, it's because I want to follow you to graduate from that hellish university. And while I'm on it, why don't I go and show myself off? It's like killing two birds with one stone, you get it, Smartass?" He raised his brow knowingly at Sehun, looked proud as he found the most brilliant idea.

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