~wolfs point of view~
Wow I kept thinking as Damon was having a shower " I can't believe I slept with someone"I whispered to my self
Damon got out of the shower so I went in after him and we didn't talk at all just awkward silence I came out of the shower
~Damon's point of view~
"Wow" I said when wolf came out of the shower and into her room she was like an angle her beautiful dark brown hair was so amazingly beautiful. Wow how did I end up with someone so beautiful in my life. I couldn't but help but realize
that wolf was coming closer and closed her door. She came so close to me and started kissing me like she had clothes on and she took the back my head and leaned it down and jumped up on me continuously kissing me so I started to kiss her back soon enough we were on her bed and she had let go of her towel.~lilacs point of view~
I hear strange noises coming from wolfs room I thought I'm a gonna check out what the noises are I peeked my little head through the door and saw wolf on top of Damon kissing him like crazy I closed the door and could not un-see
what I had saw wolf was in bed on top of Damon naked
Ew I thought but I didn't go and tell mom because mom was probably doing the same thing to John (John is my step-dads name).~wolfs point of view~
No not again I thought then I heard the door close I quickly put some clothes on and looked out into the hall way and saw lilac with her back to the wall staring at the stairs "oh now"I said "you saw didn't you"I said again "yeah but don't worry I won't tell"said lilac "thanks"I said hugging her "what's going on"said Damon walking out of my room with no shirt on "nothing"I exclaimed "ok"said Damon walking back into my room.Sorry for the short chapter but the next one will be long I promise also I'm not going to do the point of view thing in every chapter but let me know if you like it and I know I said the fighting will be happening soon and it will just Rocky can't train her and Damon yet so there won't be fighting until chapter five

The Dark arising
AdventureYou know the story of wolf figuring out she is the one and only Shia(the only one to defend the world from the dark army) But now is the story of her peraring to fight the dark army and there is some drama with wolf and Damon