~Don't play the music yet~In the morning cal toke wolf out to town she showed him the park in the old part of town where barely anyone lived. Then I started running to the woods and he followed my asking where I was going and I said "To the den" "is the den like a hangout for people who drink" asked cal "No and I barely drink anymore" explained wolf "so your starting to cope and deal with that dad is dead"cal said "he's not dead I can feel it" wolf yelled and continued to run until she got to the den and everyone was there even Damon. Everyone started to stair "who is this" asked Damon and Rocky "this is cal my older brother"said wolf "hi" said cal kind of scared of the dragon "why do you hang out with a dragon a fat guy and a drug dealer"asked cal quietly "for one the dragon is my friend and the fat guy is my trainer and the so called drug dealer is my boyfriend"explained wolf " oh... You slept with a drug dealer" said cal " he does not sell drugs he's nice ok"said wolf
~Play the music now~
Suddenly we heard a rustle in the bush and a girl in a mask came with two other people both very buff men so wolf got on top of a rock and jumped on to one of the men and started attack him and every one coughs one Damon who barely had any training started attacking as well. So did cal not knowing what was going on. Then the girl who most of the time was standing and watching started walking to the man wolf was on and pulled her off then stabbed her stomach and orders her men to leave. Suddenly she turned around but cal and Damon got to her before she got to wolf to stab her throat and they smashed her head against the ground.
All the way at home lilac could feel what was happening at the den and knew where it was so she ran to the den and saw wolf with a stab mark on her stomach and it bleeding like crazy so lilac thought randomly about wolf being healed and suddenly strange pink magic lines started to go to wolf and the lines healed her. Wolf stood up in pan and toke the lady's knife then stabbed her in the stomach and got cal and Damon to stab her friends but one got away wolf collapsed onto the ground. "the healer is here some where " said Rocky then wolf saw out of the corner of her eye lilac hiding behind a tree
"Lilac"said wolf "come out its ok they won't hurt you" said wolf again "are you sure"said lilac "yes it's ok"said wolf. Lilac walked out from behind the tree. She saw Rocky and screamed "it's ok I won't hurt you"said Rocky "ok I trust you"said lilac
"Did you think about healing your sister"asked Rocky "yeah and strange pink lines started to go to her" replied lilac "she is the healer"said Rocky to wolf "no she can't be I don't want to get her into this"said wolf "she got into this when she was born and so were you and Damon "said Rocky "WHAT IS GOING ON"said cal
"Now I know why you aren't aloud outside your crazy we're going home now " said cal "you too lilac"said cal again.After they get home
Wolf went straight up to her room and started texting Damon forgetting about her deep stab. She started to feel dizzy they she called for help her cut was bleeding out as hard as it ever did. They called the doctor and wolf went to the hospital in an ambulance and everyone followed in the car except cal he rode in the ambulance with her she asked him to call Damon to come and see her.A day later (because I don't know what to right)
Wolf wakes up and see's Damon waiting in the chair beside her bed asleep. He wakes up
"Hi sleepy head"said wolf "your awake!" Said Damon *he hands her a teddy bear and a card * "it's from cal well the card is the bear is from me"said Damon wolfs kisses Damon on the cheek "the doctor says that you'll be here for about a week so that you can recover."said Damon "Ok" said wolf .Then a man in a mask came to her room and asked to talk to her alone. So he did the man took off the mask when Damon left the room "DAD!"said wolf "yeah "said wolfs real dad.I hope you liked the fighting by the way the girl who attacked wolf was a member of the dark army I just wanted you guys to know -Laura/crazywrighter16 Byeeee

The Dark arising
AdventureYou know the story of wolf figuring out she is the one and only Shia(the only one to defend the world from the dark army) But now is the story of her peraring to fight the dark army and there is some drama with wolf and Damon