Chapter 25: Heart to Heart Moment

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A/N: This is one of the... better chapters that I know you've all been waiting for so enjoy! ;)

We were the only ones left in the room since Arin left to go to the bathroom and Suzy, Barry and Ross were probably all in the same room, coming up with Steam Train ideas.

"You did great today, I'm so proud of you." Danny said with a voice much different than the one I just heard while I was playing the game. It was another thing that intrigued me about him and Arin. Their personalities on the Internet were much different than their personalities in real life.

"Really? I thought I did terrible at that game, more specifically at Ross's level..." my voice trailed off.

"Not really, for your first time playing it was a good effort. That was also the first time I've heard Arin laughing when it came to that game, besides when I make a shitty joke just for the purpose of making him laugh."

"You're such a good friend, Danny." Like, I don't think I've really told you this, but you really care about people and it shows. Even if you don't like someone, which I'm sure that's not a lot of people, you still show kindness towards them and I think that's rad."

"Wow that's spot on, actually. I'm glad you notice these little things about me, plus I think that everyone deserves kindness in this world, no matter how much of an asshole they are. That includes Ross."

"Wow I felt like that was a personal attack towards me because I'm not really speaking to him right now."

"It wasn't, and I didn't know you were mad at him. It's okay though, he has a strong personality and it just takes some getting used to."

"Hm, yeah... I guess so."

He slid closer to me so that our legs are touched.

"So.... before we were so rudely interrupted earlier, where were we?" He had that familiar sparkle in his eyes and I was mesmerized.

"I believe our lips were about to make some sweet contact with one another." I'd never spoken like that before, but i was starting to pick up Danny's speech patterns after spending so much time with him. It worked though, because it made him smile, which obviously meant that he found it cute.

"Well that's interesting because there's a beautiful girl sitting right next to me that I would love to have the pleasure of kissing, if she's okay with that of course," he said, putting his arm around me.

"You're such a dork," I said with a smile as our lips came closer to one another. I had really hoped that this time there was NO interruptions, and it even scared me to think about that, but it was a concern for me because it had happened so many times before. It's as if fate did not want Danny and I to even kiss. Yes, I know we've kissed before, but that felt like so long ago and I missed the taste of his gorgeous lips... Did I mention that his lips had a REALLY nice shape to them? It was a detail that I never really paid much attention to any other time.

He moved in closer to try and close the gap between us and that's when it finally happened... for the second time. His lips had an indescribable taste, but I wanted more. I felt their warm sensation upon mine, which caused me to release a soft moan. At one point our tongues were having a battle in the other's mouth. I pressed my hands to his chest because we were close to being on top of each other and I remembered that we were at work... but I never wanted it to end.

"God this is hot, I could totally have a wicked J.O. sesh to this, if you know what I mean," said a frighteningly familiar voice.

We immediately stopped what we were doing and I was pretty sure that I had jumped to the other side of the couch and Danny might've done the same. We were both blushing incredibly hard until we realized that it was only Arin who had returned from his bathroom adventure.

"What the fuck, Arin please don't ever do that again," Danny said.

"Well I would've liked to have seen more if you know what I mean, but we got a show to do, plus you two aren't the only people here, so you should be glad I stopped it before you guys started fucking on the couch."

"We weren't gonna fuck... pshhhh.." I started to say, before realizing that that's exactly what would've happened if Arin hadn't shown up when he did.

"Jasmine, I think we both know where that was headed, not that I didn't thoroughly enjoy it," Danny said winking at me, causing me to die a little inside.

"Okay well maybe..... thanks for finishing your shit when you did."

"No problem, it was a monstrous one too... I thought I was never gonna finish. And it even smelled like-"

"Annnnd that's all we needed to know, thanks Arin." Danny spoke up. I was glad he did because I did NOT want to hear the rest of that story, no matter how interesting Arin made it sound.

"Soooooo, we have to record six more episodes of this game?" I asked.

"Yeah, cause we usually record seven episodes per Grump session, and then we do seven more next time. That's why we sound super loopy in some of them cause we're so fucking tired by about episode six." Danny answered me.

"Oh.. well let's get started immediately then. There's no time to waste!"

Recording six more episodes actually didn't feel as long as I though it would, mostly because this time it was Arin playing the game and not me. Although he did offer the controller to me and Danny, but that was most likely because his rage was getting out of hand, but we both refused regardless. We did help him throughout the various levels where to go, even if there wasn't some sort of secret.

We finally finished recording and it seemed to be time to go home, for me at least, since I wasn't used to this kind of lifestyle. I yawned and Danny and Arin gave me a weird look at first, but then remembered that I'd never done something like this before, so I had already used up all of my energy in those seven episodes. I realized that I was gonna have to be the one to edit them too.

By the time we were finished editing, Suzy, Barry, and Ross had already finished whatever it was they were doing and Suzy suggested going out to eat, since it was pretty obvious that all of us were starving. By this time we were all just hanging around as we usually did when we had nothing else better to do.

"As much as I would love to go out to eat, tonight I think I'm just gonna cook at home tonight." I subtly winked at Danny as I said this.

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