The past

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A/N ive got 10 votes... few comments:) and I had a gd idea, so i was like screw waiting, cant be asked!
Phina's POV
It had been 2 days, and no word from Flynn. Two days. I was beginning to worry.
I leaned back in my small, cramped cage, feeling the bars dig into my spine. Turning my head to the side, I breathed deeply. It was all my fault: all the deaths, all the trouble, everything. Well, not all of it was my fault... it had all began with meeting Pan, all those years ago...
I spat the sand out my mouth, still lying in the same place and position that the Shadow had dropped me in. Presently, a pair of brown, leather looking boots came into view.
'Get up.'
I glanced up at the talker: it was a tall lad of about 17, wearing a large hood that covered his icy blur eyes and dirty blonde hair.
(A/N Yes it is Felix...)
I gave him a disgusted look.
'Who are you to order me about? A princess is never ordered about.'
The boy gave a slight smirk.
'And who might you be?'
I raised my 15 year old head defiantly.
'I am Princess Mia, from the City of Darkness. I demand to be sent back, immediately!'
The lad merely chuckled.
'You're on Neverland. And once you're here, there's no escaping. Pan makes sure of that.'
I snorted.
'We'll see about that.'
Felix grinned.
'Night night Princess.'
I gave him a confused look.
'Night night...?'
The only answer that I got was a bonk on the back of the head, before everything went dark.
---------A few hours later (still flashback)---------
I groaned, as light and sound overwhelmed my senses.
I rubbed my head, as the events of earlier came crashing back. I scrambled to sit up, only to discover that I was chained by my feet to the bed. As I struggled against my bonds, I heard a low, dark laugh. I turned in the direction of the oddly familiar sound.
It was indeed the stable boy with whom I had become fast friends with in my younger years.
He had changed slightly though: his eyes were more green now, and his hair was in a funny style, but other than that, he looked the same.
He pushed away from the wall on which he had been leaning.
'Mia. Its been... a while.'
I nodded curtly: we hadn't parted on best terms.
I gave a ghost smile.
'Where am I? Send me home, and you won't have to bother with me again.'
Peter rolled his eyes - one thing was for sure, he had certainly gotten A LOT cockier.
'Didn't Felix tell you LOVE? You're on Neverland. And no one leaves without my permission. Ever.'
Hey all,
So thats part of Phina's past with Pan. Shoutout to the readers who know y I chose the name 'Mia': dont say y!! :)
This is probs 1 of the longest chapters I've ever written: over 500 words!! May not seem long, but its good 4 me!! :D
Vote 4 an update!
Comment coz u love me and my crazy, wacky story!
Read coz... ur here!!

Stealth and Shadows,

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