The Idea

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Sam and Oma awaken from their Mom yelling at them to go downstairs because it was time for breakfast. Sam and Oma go downstairs and get some pancakes, eggs, and leftover chicken and waffles from last nights breakfast/dinner. Dad came in a few minutes later grabbing only pancakes. Yeah, their dad is kind of a junkie.

Dad: When do you kids want to go hiking?

Sam and Oma: Tomorrow, on Sunday!

Dad: Hmm, well I have to go to Uncle Jerry's house to help him move, and Mom has to go to the store for some of your Christmas gifts.

Sam: Can we go by ourselves?

Dad: I don't know, what do you think Cara?

Mom: I think they would be fine, but if anything happens don't blame me, well you can give me some blame but not all.

Oma: You can trust us Mom! :)

Mom: I sure hope I can. Now how long is the trail again?

Dad: Its.. pretty long.

Mom: What time are you leaving at?

Oma: Maybe at 10:00 AM. We can come back at 12:30.

Sam: I like the sound of that!

Mom: Only if you both wear a hat, jacket, those new fluffy pants I bought you guys, fluffy socks, fluffy gloves, and a scarf.

Oma: *Looking more depressed* Finneeee :/

Mom: Do you understand?

Oma: Yea..

Mom: Good. Now you two can plan what snacks to bring along tomorrow or something like that.

Sam: Ok :p

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