Day 4. Chung x Elsword x Add

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"This doesn't seem like a very good idea.." 

"Don't worry, I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

'"Did you just meet Add? He's going to beat you." Elsword hesitated a bit at Chung's words. Sure, they were true, but he's young, he's dumb and he doesn't care. He smeared the red face paint on the Diabolic Esper's nose and stuck the headband antlers on his head. The two younger boys instinctively took a few cautious steps backwards. 

Add stirred slightly in his unconscious state, making Elsword jump a bit and Chung's hands to become a bit clammy. The albino teen finally woke up and it took him a few seconds to realize his unfortunate situation before his fuse snapped. A simple look from him sent the Infinity Sword across the house in a matter of a few seconds and the Deadly Chaser back against the wall. 

"I- uh, it-it, ah, wasn't-wasn't my ide-idea." Chung sheepishly smiled, fingers tangled with themselves behind his back. Add narrowed his eyes, but there was definitely the ghost of a smile on his lips. 

Then he did something out of character. 

He leaned down and pecked him on the lips before disappearing to find Elsword. Chung was absolutely flabberghast, mostly since Add wasn't usually the type of person to perform random and out of ordinary acts of affection. 

And needlessly to say, Chung liked it, like it was an early Christmas present for him. 

A special something for the fourth day of December. 


hi! i'd appreciate it if you shared this story with your friends, though you dont need to ! i'll still love you :)

okii bye cya tomorrow !

Signing out, 


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