Some things are better kept as secrets- such as the fact that Isaac's father abuses him, his best friends are werewolves, and that Phoebe Tonsla, Isaac's long-time crush, has a rather strange infatuation with a very particular box.
【Completed July 8...
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7:23 P.M.
Lahey Household
Two weeks passed in the blink of an eye, and in that short period of time, Stiles and Scott taught Isaac everything they knew about subduction and flirting. They had given him pick-up lines to use, taught him how to boost his confidence, and even helped him pick out an outfit for the special occasion. The khaki pants and jean jacket that Stiles insisted would make him look casually sophisticated were hanging up in his closet.
Isaac had it all planned out. He would ask his father for the day off from gravedigging duty at Beacon Hills Cemetery, as their family owned it. Tomorrow, on Friday, he would walk into the AP class (Which he ultimately decided not to drop) like any other day. He would raise his hand and answer the teacher's questions in an attempt to impress Phoebe. Then, he'd make sure that she saw what he was wearing. After that, the only class they had together was gym, so naturally, he'd make it appoint to show off there, too. Lastly, he'd catch her at her locker before she left for the school day and ask her on a date that very night. She'd say yes, and they'd live happily ever after.
At least, that was all Isaac could hope for.
"Isaac." His father's voice boomed across the dinner table, catching his attention and snapping him out of his daydream. Isaac cleared his throat and looked down at the untouched plate before him before humming a response.
"Your dinner is going to get cold." He continued, adjusting the small, circular glasses on his eyes. "You're lucky I'm even letting you eat, you ingrate."
Isaac cast his eyes down and timidly picked up his fork, stabbing at the few pieces of broccoli and steak on it. The father and son sat in an uncomfortable silence for a long time, the bitterness of Mr.Lahey's words still looming over them like a dark cloud. Once Isaac was done with the tiny bit of food, his father pushed his own plate across the table and scooted away from the table.
"I want all of these dishes spotless, or else.." Mr.Lahey spat, his eyes drifting over to the basement door. The basement that held the one thing that Isaac was completely and utterly terrified, as if his dad's upmost abuse wasn't enough.
The freezer.
Isaac shot up from his chair and his mouth began to blab off in a hurry, "I will, but I uh-"
"What, son, spit it out!"
"C-Can I have the day off tomorrow night?" Isaac asked nervously, voice wavering. "There's something really important that I want to do, maybe someone else can take my place or something?"
Isaac's father stared at him for a few seconds before he drew his fist back, deliberately clocking Isaac in his cheekbone. Isaac stumbled backwards and his hands. His hands flew to the targeted area, his face distorted in pain. He considered asking his dad what that was for, but he knew that with his father, there didn't have to be a reason.