Some things are better kept as secrets- such as the fact that Isaac's father abuses him, his best friends are werewolves, and that Phoebe Tonsla, Isaac's long-time crush, has a rather strange infatuation with a very particular box.
【Completed July 8...
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October 2
9:46 P.M.
Beacon Hills Cemetery
"No target in sight." Phoebe mutters under her breath, shifting over the forest leaves and adjusting her gun in her hand.
Allison rolls her eyes, "Obviously, I have eyes. Don't forget that you're the rookie here. And stop moving, for fuck's sake."
"Roger that, and how about you shut the fuck up."
The two hunters had been hidden under the leaves for the last hour, waiting for someone who could have possibly stolen the box to arrive in search of the key to open it. Phoebe's rifle and Allison's bow were locked and loaded onto their bodies, ready to attack.
"I'm gonna be honest, I don't think anyone's gonna swing by." Allison sighed, placing her bow on the grass boredly. "I think I'm just wasting my time with you."
"I completely agree." Phoebe huffed, squinting her eyes as she looked through the hole in her gun, swearing she saw something move. "No matter how hard I try, you're like a shit-stain that just won't go away."
The pattering of heavy boots before them caught both of their attention. Their eyes searched around for the owner of the sound and it wasn't long before a figure ran into view. Only this time, instead of it being a big, burly beast, it was a mere masked human, running towards the grave. Allison immediately drew her bow and focused it before Phoebe shoved her away roughly.
"What are you doing?!" She whisper-shouted, looking to her with wide eyes. "You can't just shoot someone recklessly, we need to know their intentions first!"
"Well, right now, it looks like they're going through the grave.." Allison rolled her eyes, pointing back at the graveyard. The other girl huffed out in frustration and got back to her own weapon, locking and loading it, making sure her non-lethal bullets were in the chamber.
"Shooting in 3, 2," Phoebe muttered, aiming towards the person's feet, "1."
The bullet whizzed from her gun and into the person's foot, causing them to cry out and fall to the ground. Phoebe smirked and looked over to Allison, "So much for rookie."
"Whatever. Let's go."
The two girls scramble to their feet and run down the small hill until they stood over the person, holstering their weapons. Phoebe leaned down and grabbed the person by their collar, pulling them up to their feet and not wasting another second before yanking their mask off.
"What the fuck.. Theo!? What are you doing here?"
Theo chuckled nervously as his eyes shifted between Allison and his best friend's girlfriend. "Uh, ya know, just.. Takin' a walk."