Chapter 5

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~Anti's P.O.V~

I've been staring at the guy that's asleep in the corner for about and hour...I least it felt like an hour...they started to get up....welp, I'm dead

They looked straight at me and said "who the f*ck are you?" " name is.." what the hell is name...I'll just say something random "...Antisepticeye" that was the first thing that came to my mind..."oh..I'll just call you Anti.." he walked over to me and grabbed me by the throat "Listen here, Anti, if you want to live you have to do everything I say" "what if I don't..?" I regret asking that...he laughed "I'll rip your heart out" I gulped this guy is....weird..."you haven't even told me your name yet and you're already giving me death threats" "yeah, I'll tell you my name when you do everything I tell you, capiche?" I just nodded at him... hopefully this doesn't kill me


I have a cold, I can't sleep, yay...pleasekillme

Failed Experiment 101 and 666 (Darkiplier x Antisepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now