a/n it's currently 5:15am, I'm going to be so tired tonight - oh well... guys, guess what? I'm on track with my chapters! Each day I'll publish one on its actually day like today's the 12th of December! Whoop whoop!
"Connor's friend, hey."
"That's my name now?"
"Well you didn't tell me your actual one, what do you expect me to call you? Donald? Donald it is."
"It's Juli-"
"Julie? Nah, I think I'll stick with Donald thanks."
"I think you've had too many candy canes."
"You're mental."
"Thank you, Ronald Wesley from the movie."
"Here's some tinsel."
"I think your house looks a bit naked compared to the rest of the ones on the street."
"Why did you emphasise the 'I'?"
"Because I'm meant to pretend that's what I think."
"What? I'm so confused!"
"Because you're not meant to know You-Know-Who is still thinking about how to Christmas-up your life."
"And people think I'm stupid."
candy cane deliveries #CandyCane2016 #CandyContest2k16
Short Storywhere a short tempered girl meets a Christmas loving boy