day eighteen

58 8 4

a/n words cannot describe how thankful I am to everyone who is reading this, I just... ugh-I don't know how to explain it so thank you! I mean it from the bottom of my non existent heart! And for my Goodreads update I'm on 54/70 and it's the 18th so 😁



"Candy Cane Idiot, stop!"

"Geez, women, so demanding."

"Wait there, I want to show you something."

"Don't move."

"I'm not."

"Look I finished it!"

"And to think you hated Christmas before."

"I still do."

"Nah uh I think you're in denial, you like strawberry candy canes and you made a gingerbread house."

"Doesn't mean I like Christmas."

"Sure, whatever you say."


"Oh no, what is it?"

"I hardly know you, the only thing I know is you deliver candy canes on a bicycle. Do you do drugs? Illegal ones, I mean."

"What? No!"

"Do you have a criminal record?"


"You're lying, all criminals say no to that question."

"Do you have a criminal record?"


"Guess you're a criminal as well."

"Touché. Where do you go to school?"

"And you think I'm the criminal?"

"Well I don't invite criminals into my house."

"Fine! Oakley."

"You could've made that up!"

"Well I didn't."

"Is your friend that dropped candy canes off from the same school?"


"Call him."

"What? Why?"

"Just do it!"



"What school do you go to?"


"Just answer it."

"Oakley, why?"


"Happy now?"


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