~Diagon Ally~

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Here are some thing you might need to know before reading!
(Y/N)= Your name
(Y/L/N)= Your last name
(F/N)= Fathers name
(M/N)= Mothers name
(E/C)= Eye color
(H/C)= Hair color
(H/T)= Hair type (Curly, straight, short, bob, Ect.)
(S/T)= Skin type
(W/T)= Wand type

-They lips will go on, enjoy the chapter!-
-DISCLAIMER: I don't own Harry Potter or the characters JK Rowling does-

Your P.O.V

My hair swished side to side brushing the back of my neck. The long empty hallway echoed with my footsteps every time I took a step. I was heading to potions, honestly I love potions, I really do. But I don't really like 'WHO' is teaching potions. Professor Snape, he shower Slytherins in house points. Which is not fair, to be honest. Oh, by the way I'm (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N), I am a pureblood witch, and this is the start to my second year at Hogwarts. Can you believe it!? My second year! It feels like only yesterday I had gotten my invitation to Hogwarts...

~One year ago in Diagon Ally...~

Your P.O.V

My eyes beamed with excitement as I pushed my way through the busy streets full of people talking and gossiping about local wizards and Azkaban, or Rita Skeeter and her fake "juicy" stories. They are complete rubbish if you ask me. Me and my parent had just squeezed our way out of 'Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions' To get my Hogwarts robes. I had just received my invitation letter to Hogwarts and it was really no surprise really, since my parents both went to Hogwarts, but my parents where still excited for me, and I was too. I had been confined to the four walls of my house my whole life, so you could say I never really had a 'social life' or I wasn't a "social butterfly", both are muggle sayings by the way.
I looked around for my mum and dad and saw a swish of my mums (H/C) hair infront of me. I pushed through the crowd and finally caught up.
"Ah, there you are (Y/N). Told you I she would be around here (M/N)!" My dad exclaimed. My mum just rolled her eyes and sighed.
"How about, you go get your wand and we will get your book and text books, ok (Y/N)?" My mom asked sweetly grabbing my shoulders.
"Sure thing!" I responded excitedly. I've heard so many stories and observed my mom and dads wands so much I could sketch it out by heart.
I made my way through the chattering crowd and finally made it.
'Ollivanders Makers of Fine Wands since 382 BC'
I entered the old looking shop, the door came open with the sound of a tinker bell.
"Ah, Ms. (L/N) I was wondering when you would arrive" A old man with a white shabby beard and kind eyes clapped excitedly. He must be Ollivander, and how does he know my last name?!
"I'm (Y/N) Sir, you must be Ollivander!?" I said trying to be polite.
"Ah, yes, that is me, now this will be fun fun fun..." Ollivander said, his words trailing off as he looked around for a wand.
"Ah, try this, Phoenix feather, reed, flexible good for enchantments"
He handed me the wand, I took it. Nothing.
"No no no!" He snatched the wand from me and placed it back in its box.
"Hmmm could it be..." He dragged his finger over multiple wands. I stood there dumbfounded. If this is really the person who gave my mother and father their wands, he must be really old, perhaps he had lost his touch!?
"This!?" He handed me another wand, I picked it up
"Another Phoenix feather gre-" He got cut off by the lamp beside him shattering.
"Gah!" He again snatched the wand from me.
"Sorry sir" I said trying to pick up the pieces of glass
"Oh!! No no no need to worry." Ollivander stated sweetly. He pulled out his own wand.
"Reparo!" He pointed his wand at the lamp and everything that had shattered when backward to the way it broke magically. I smiled softly, it was satisfying in a way. This happened about two more.
"Sir, I can always comeback tomorrow?!" I said ready to leave. I had had enough of this, maybe I don't need a wand?
"No, I think I have it...." He carefully pulled out a wand box from the very very tippity top of all the wands. He laced it on the counter and opened it. The wand was beautiful carved, a master piece. Something that beautiful surely wouldn't last so long in my hands. It was light brown with a circular bottom. It was perfectly straight and had a little swirl wrapped halfway around the wand it had some indent on the bottom and was darker at the top.
"Try....this...." He carefully handed me the wand. I held it, a warm tingling sensation buzzed at my fingertips. I felt lighter as if 100,000 pounds has been lifted off my shoulders. I looked at my wand and smiled a toothy smile. All around me started to glow, the space around me felt safer and warmer. My insides felt fluffy and joyous. I looked at Ollivander with a smile.
"Now before you run off with it, give it a little twirl" Ollivander said clapping his hands together. I twirled it around in the air in small circles. I little wave of gold shimmer spouted out the tip of the wand a circled around my head. I giggled out loud following the gold wave with my eyes before it disappeared in thin air.
"Yes, yes, this must be the one! Huehuehuehue~ Now Ms. (L/N) You must take great care of this wand for it goes back as one of the wand to be made with a Phoenix feather. It's a wand of Ivy, great for handling powerful magics and charms. May I trust you with this?" Ollivander said in a very serious tone. I quickly nodded my head up and down.
"Great!" He jumped up and down clapping his hands.
"Now off you go!" He packaged the wand in its box and handed it to me. I paid for the wand and rushed out the door with the wand securely in my arms. I looked around the crowd and saw my parent in front of the owl post. I ran as fast as my feet could carry me, even if it wasn't far, I got to them in no time.
"Mummy! Father!! Did you get my books!?" I asked excited to show them my wand. My dad held up a bag full of heavy text books and book to read.
"Yes we did! Now let's see that wand of yours!" My dad said gesturing to my wand.
I carefully opened the box making sure not the drop the wand, I pulled the wand out grinning from ear to ear.
"Mr. Ollivander said it was the first wand to be made with a peo is feather!" I said jumping on the spot. My parents mouth hung open in shock.
"H-honey that VERY big!" My mom exclaimed still in shock.
"Yes, it is...but that's amazing!" My dad said picking my up and hugging me. My mom joined in and it became a group hug.
"Yes, we are very proud of you!" My mom said parting from the group hug.
"Me and your mother will be back at Leaky cauldron, you get yourself and pet and come right back!" My dad said. He and my mom walked towards the cauldron as a I walked to the pet shop. I got pushed back into the crowd and noticed a familiar shaggy head towering the whole crowd.
"Hagrid!" I called out over the crowd. He kept walking, he must have not heard me. Weird, I was loud...huh. I called out again.
"HAGRID!!" I shouted louder, this time the fluffy hearted giant turned around confused. Then he saw me, and realized who was calling him. Hagrid is like a uncle to me! Our parents are great friends! He waved and I waved back. I ducked and turned around people to get the him, when I finally reached him I noticed him talking to a handsome dark haired boy.
"Ello (Y/N)! Where are yer' parents?" He asked putting a hand on the young mans shoulder.
"There at the Leaky cauldron, they would be ver j-" I stopped when I noticed the Lightning shaped scar on the young boys head. Could it be!?
"Holy Hogwarts! Your Harry Potter!"


Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I know there wasn't a lot of u and Harry action but don't worry! There is lots of that to come ;) Have a nice day!

Total word count: 1496

QOTC: (Question of the Chapter) What's your Patronus?

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