~The Boy who lived?!~

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Here are some thing you might need to know before reading!
(Y/N)= Your name
(Y/L/N)= Your last name
(F/N)= Fathers name
(M/N)= Mothers name
(E/C)= Eye color
(H/C)= Hair color
(H/T)= Hair type (Curly, straight, short, bob, Ect.)
(S/T)= Skin type
(W/T)= Wand type
(O/N)= Owl name

-They lips will go on, enjoy the chapter!-
-DISCLAIMER: I don't own Harry Potter or the characters JK Rowling does-

Harry's P.O.V

Me and Hagrid where walking towards the bank. Grigits I think it called? Whatever. There where people EVERYWHERE! And the shops, there where Cloak shops and books shops, candy shops and pet shops, I wish I had more eyes to see everything! "Gringotts" said Hagrid. That's what it's called, Grigits!? Really Harry!? As we were walking to Gringotts I heard someone call Hagrids name. I looked behind me and saw no one, huh.
"Did ya' hear that Hagrid!?" I asked looking up at him.
"Mph?" Hagrid made a grunting noise
"No Harry. Did yer' hear somethin'?" He asked looking around him. Hagrid was taller then everyone there so he could probably see everything. I heard someone call him name again, surely I was not just hearing things, because Hagrid heard it too.
We both turned around and a girl (or guy, if ur a guy let me know me I'll make everything gender fair;))  (H/C) (H/T) hair and shimmering (E/C) eyes walking towards us. She was marvelous! Her smile shone brighter then the sun, I couldn't help but to small smile myself.
"Ello (Y/N)! Where are yer' parents?" He asked putting his large hand on my shoulder.
"There at the Leaky cauldron, they would be ver j-" She abruptly stopped when she eyes met the scar on my forehead.
"Holy Hogwarts! Your Harry Potter!" She exclaimed excitedly
"T-that would be me!" I said nervously.
I guess Hagrid was right. I AM very popular in the Witch and wizard world!
"It's a pleasure to meet you! Oh! And were are my manners!? I'm (Y/N) (L/N)!" She said sweetly, offering a hand to shake. I took it and softly shoot it blushing like a mad man. C'mon Harry! You haven't even met the pretty- I mean- er- poor girl yet!
She faintly blushed too...she seem very nice! After this I started to stare at her, she looked back at my questionably until Hagrid hit my shoulder snapping me back to reality, the reality that I had been staring at her this whole time. I blushed...AGAIN! Hagrid and (Y/N) softly laughed.
"Well, I better be off now!" (Y/N) Said turning around and waving. I waved back in a slight trance. Hagrid let out a booming laugh.
"ShhhHHhshhhHShshsh!!" I jumped up trying to cover his mouth and shush him, but it was no use.
"You avent' even been to Hogwarts and yer' already fallin' in love!" Hagrid said after he stopped laughing. I madly blushed but hen gathered the courage to speak.
"N-no I have not! Can we just go back to shopping!?" I asked
"Then how do yer' explain all the blushin' eh?" Hagrid asked smiling a toothy smile. I tried to come up with something smart.
"She's ho- I mean- ITS hot in here!" I blushed even more....damn it. Well it sounded better in my mind!
"HUehueHuE, sure Harry, now let's get to yer' shoppin'." Hagrid said dragging me closer to Gringotts.
"I- is everyone at Hogwarts that nice?"
"Heh, I wish! I'm sure yer' goin' to meet some bad apples there!"
I said sarcastically. Well, hopefully I get to see (Y/N) (L/N) again.

Your P.O.V

I headed out of the pet store proud of my purchase! I had boughten a fair sized barn owl! It was a girl with beautiful black feathers with the occasional grey, and she had outstanding ocean blue eyes! Her hoot was smooth and pretty, her name shall be
(O/N)! I brushed the top of her head with my finger and she 'Hoo'ed in satisfaction and I giggled. It was then I remembered, I need to tell my parents about Harry Potter!
So I ran back to Leaky Cauldron, dodging people.
"excuse me!"
"Pardon me!"
I budged through everyone till I made it. I could not wait to tell mum and dad about Harry Potter! He was very kind...and handsome....I-I had only heard story's of him and great tales, but I though he was taken into a Muggle family! And I didn't know he was my age! I grew up with his tale!
I burst through the doors and scanned for my parents. Once I spotted them I ran to their sides and took a seat across the table from them.
"Mum! Dad! Dad! Mum!"
Both of their head shot up when I called their names, along with other parents whom must of thought that I was their kid...was I really that loud? Eh.
"What is it d-*le gasp* look at your owl sweetie! Isn't she charming!" My mom said in awe. My dad admired (O/N).
"Good work Darlin'! She's a keeper!" My dad said proudly giving me a pat on the back.
"Yes she is! Her name is (O/N)! But never mind that! I have something important to tell you! Something, or in this case, someONE I saw on my way to the pet store!"
"Hagrid! And I bet you can't guess who he was with!"
"Ah, Hagrid, I haven't seen him in ages!" My dad exclaimed. Our family is really close friends! I don't know how, but they are!
"Who was he with darling?" My mother asked curiously.
"Harry Potter!" I said in a low voice, I didn't want anyone bad to hear...
"O! REALLY!" My mum stood up and practically screamed
"Sit down (M/N)!" My dad said firmly pushing her back into her seat.
I told them the whole story over some butterbeer.
"I really hope I'm in the same house as him.." I said trailing off in a dreamy voice. My chin leaned on my palm as I stared out into space. My parents exchanged smirky looks before looking back at home their love struck daughter.


Total word count: 1099 words

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry it was short, I had to upload something...and quick! Told ya there would be more Harry Potter action ;) Anyways I hope y'all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy new year!!


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