meet back up with MB

131 6 2

at  home

preia: *calls her dad *

preia's dad: hello

preia: can you drop me ,iyonna and Aerielle  off at the park

preia's dad: yes what time

preia: now

preia's dad: ok I'll  be there I a minute

preia: ok  bye love you daddy

preia's dad: love you too bye

preia:* hangs up the phone*

iyonna: what he say

preia: he'll be here in a minute 

Aerielle: well  we better hurry then don't you think

preia: ok let's go then 

we all  took a quick shower

(preia's  wearing blue jeans and  a pink  shirt that says : sweet girl with a pink leather jacket and pink high tops with red colored lip gloss)

(iyonna's wearing blue jeans and a blue shirt that says: bad girl with a blue  leather jacket and blue high tops with red colored lip gloss)

(Aerielle's. wearing  blue jeans and a green shirt that says: crazy girl with a green leather jacket and green high tops with pink colored lip gloss)

preia: wow we look like a group

iyonna:we are a group  it's just  no one knows of us yet

Aerielle:yeah oh and preia your dad just  pulled up

preia: ok let's go then and that wasn't a minute

at the park

preia: thanks daddy for the  ride

preia's dad :your welcome

girls: bye

preia's dad : bye

(a van pulls up )


girls: heyyyyyy

Princeton: so we brought. y'all here so we can learn more about y'all  is that  cool ?

girls: yes

Princeton:ok then let's go roc ask the first question

roc: so how long y'all been knowing each other

preia: well me and iyonna are cousin and we been knowing each other for 14 years now and Aerielle is our adopted cousin and webeen knowing Aerielle  for  about 3years now  so yeah.

roc: cool  ok Ray ray you ask the next question

Ray ray:ok what year y'all  were born

girls: 2000

Ray ray: so y'all was the same year

preia: yes but different  birthdays

Ray ray: cool Princeton you ask the next question

Princeton: ok  um do y'all have boyfriends

preia: yes

Aerielle: no

iyonna :no 

Princeton: so preia you the only one with a boyfriend

preia: yes

Princeton: ok prodigy  ask the last question

prodigy: what's y'all  favorite food

girls: soulllll food

roc: that's wassup

Princeton: ok well  we got to go to a interview so we will see y'all  tomorrow

girls: ok bye

boys: bye

(preia  calls  her dad )

preia's dad: hello

preia:can you pick us up  from the park

preia' dad: ok I'm on my way bye

preia: bye *hangs up the phone*

iyonna :what say

preia: he on his way

(preia's dad pulls up )

preia: im so tired when I get home I'm going to sleep

Aerielle: me too

(pulls up at Aerielle's house)

preia&iyonna: bye aerie

Aerielle: bye y'all

(pulls up at preia's house )

preia:bye daddy love you bye iyonna

iyonna: bye

daddy: bye love you too

preia:* walk in room climb up the ladder of the bunk bed and fall asleep on her bed *


preia: *groan* man I'm tired can I at least get some sleep please ask jamari ( preia's brother)


preia: *groan and put the pillow over her head.

at Aerielle's house

Aerielle: I'm home !!!!

Aerielle's mom: hey sweetie how do your day with mindless behavior go


Aerielle's mom: that's good

Aerielle: I'm going to sleep

Aerielle's mom: ok

Aerielle:* walk in room and fall on the bed and was about to go to sleep until someone called her phone*

Aerielle: WHAT!

iyonna: dang don't jump on me it's me iyonna

Aerielle:girl I'm trying to go to sleep and you calling for what is so important that you have to call me for

iyonna:oh Princeton said to meet them at  Starbucks tomorrow they have to tell us something

Aerielle: ok bye I'm going back to sleep


hey y'all I'm bored so I decided to update this story   so I might  update this story tomorrow or next week

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