Pool day!

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*Yayyy happy chapter today! Im gonna be trying to update as much as I can before school starts. Also can we appreciate the way Luke looks at Ashton because I think we should*

Ashton didnt remember falling asleep. But he woke up in Lukes arms, still in the music room. "What time is it?" He mumbled into Lukes chest, not opening his eyes. "2 AM." Luke answered, still rubbing Ashtons back. Ashton pulled his head out of Lukes chest and stared at the boy. "You held me here for that long?" He asked, standing up and rubbing his eyes. He yawned. Luke stood up too, stretching his arms high above his head. "Uh huh." He looked tired. "Come on, lets go to the room." Ashton felt bad. Luke shouldve woken him up. Luke should be able to sleep too. When Luke and Ashton got to the room, Luke felt asleep as soon as he hit the bed. Ashton stayed up for a while, just admiring Luke. He reckons he fell asleep at around 2:30.

"Lets go swimming!" Calum yelling is what woke Ashton up next. "Noooo." He mumbled into the pillow, curling up into a tight ball. "But Im boreddd." Micheal; complained. "Go away." Luke ordered sleepily. Calum pulled the pillow out form underneath Lukes head. Luke groaned and turned the other way, laying his head on Ashtons chest. Ashton liked when Luke did that, and he tried to keep his heart rate normal. Ashton also liked Lukes morning voice. Ashton liked waking up with Luke. Ashton liked a lot of things about Luke. "Pweaseee?" Calum begged. He was already in his swimming trunks. Luke sighed and allowed Calum to pull him up. Luke grabbed Ashtons hand and pulled him up too. Ashton didnt want Luke to let go of his hand. But Luke did. "Im not going swimming." Luke said. "I am!" Ashton ran to his suitcase and searched through it, pulling out his swim pants. He left them on the bed while he went out to the kitchen. "What are you doing? Lets go!" Micheal said, following Ashton. "Im making toast." Ashton said, putting two pieces of toast into the toaster. "Great theyre in. Go change!" Calum said, pushing on his back to move him into his room. Ashton laughed, digging his heels into the ground. "Ashtonnn." Calum groaned, pushing him harder until eventually they ended up in his room. Ashton chuckled, shutting the door behind him. Luke had climbed back into bed, the covers over his face. Aston deemed it safe and quickly stripped, putting his shorts on before running over and jumping on the bed. "If I have to get up so do you!" He yelled, laughing. Luke groaned. "Come on man." He pulled the covers off his face, pouting. Ashton acted as though he were thinking it over. "Mmm, no." He said, rolling over so his back was against the wall. He pushed Luke out of bed. Luke laughed, clutching his stomach as he laid on the floor. Ashton laughed and got off the bed, holding a hand out to Luke. Luke accepted it and pulled himself up. Ashton walked out into the kitchen to find his toast already waiting for him, spread with vegamite. "Thank you!" He called, taking a bite. Luke rolled his eyes. "Vegamites weird." He said. "Vegamites the best fuck you!" Ashton yelled at him. Luke laughed loudly. "Okay okay, whatever you say." He said, rolling his eyes again. "Okay good you ate lets go!" Calum said, and the 4 teenaged boys left for the hotel pool. 

(By the way when I do these skips its like a time change I think you can infer that but whatever)

The boys brought their guitars so they could practice in the 'studio' next to the pool. It was actually a small gym, but since it was empty the boys use it to practice in. "Okay guys this is what I have to go through to get Luke in a keek." Ashton said, laughing at the end as he began to walk towards Luke. "Come here ya bastard." he laughed, chasing after the running boy. "Come 'ere!" He said, chasing him inside. There was a small section you could lounge around in in front of the pool, to get away from the hot sun. "Hey! Hey you!" Ashton yelled, chasing him back outside. "Come back!" he laughed. "Say hello." He ordered, finally catching up to Luke and walking next to him. Luke squinted against the sun in his eyes. "Hello." he said, waving. "See? See what I mean guys?" Ashton said, turning the camera to face him again. "Hes like a mythical creature." Ashton was having fun, though. A whole day with Luke with no fans, no break downs, no worries whatsoever. Tomorrow they had a concert, and so not a lot of time to hang out with Luke then, and then the day after they changed hotels, and then had another concert. "Hes like a mythical creature. Its the hardest thing ever. Were practicing." Ashton informed them. "In our studes. Arent we?" he asked, pointing the camera to Luke. "We are." Luke answered. "Here they are." Ashton walked into the room and showed the other 2 boys before ending the keek and uploading it. "Im so tired." Luke whined, falling backwards into Ashtons chest. Ashton was warm. Ashton felt nice pressed into his back Ashton liked the feeling of Luke pressed into his chest, his beanie tickling his neck. "That sounds like a you problem." Calum joked, strumming a few chords on is guitar. Luke stuck his tongue out, pushing off of Ashtons chest so he was standing straight. Ashton dint like the loss of contact. Luke didnt either. Ashton turned and walked out to the pool. Luke followed him. Luke braced his hands on Ashtons back and shoved him so Ashton felt into the pool. Luke laughed loudly as Ashton came up, gasping for breath and cursing Luke. While Luke was laughing, Ashton reached over and grabbed Lukes leg, pulling him into the pool. Luke sank instantly, the water weighing down his clothes. He pushed to the surface and grabbed the edge of the pool, coughing. He hauled himself up and took his shoes off, tossing them to the side. His beanie came off next, and he rung out. "Youre a dick." he told Ashton, pulling his shirt off. He tossed it to Ashton, and it landed on his head. Ashton chuckled, peeling it off and throwing it back to Luke. Luke tugged his pants off so he was only in his boxers and jumped into the pool. Ashton had to restrain himself from taking in every inch of Lukes half naked body. 

"I could play a thousand concerts and it would never get old." Calum announced as they walked back into their hotel room. Ashton rolled his eyes. "You say that every time we finish a concert." Luke said, ruffling his hair. "Whatever." Calum pouted. "You guys are idiots. Im going to sleep." Ashton yawned. Josh was still sick, so Ashton was still stuck playing the drums for him. "Aww is Ashy tired?" Luke cooed, pinching his cheeks. "Yeah you dick now bugger off." Ashton laughed, shoving at Luke. Luke rolled his eyes and followed Ashton to the bedroom. "Dont do anything we wouldnt do!" Micheal called out to them. The two boys blushed. Ashton crawled into bed so his back was against the wall. Luke got in after him. They talked in hushed voices about nothing, and with each and every minute Ashton fell deeper in love with his band mate. He didnt know that Luke did too. Ashton was oblivious. Ashton knew nothing. Luke did. Luke knew he had to get out. He couldnt keep doing this, he was going insane. He wasnt sleeping, he wasnt eating. All he wanted was Ashton, but he couldnt have him. So he had to get out. And he would. Well, hed try.

*Woo, What do you guys think so far? This was kind of a shit chapter but I wanted to make it happy fro you guys and Im thinking of having Luke break down not in the next chapter but the one after it. Does that sound like a good idea? Tell me please. I think 6 chapters is enough. Love you guys! Xoxoxo*

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