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 She was running. She was running from guards that were working for an unknown cause. The last thing she remembered was the two androids taking her newborn twins away. She did not remember actually giving birth to them, she must have been given a dose of Doxylamine to make her sleep during the duration. She rounded the corner in a desperate attempt to escape. She screeched to a halt as she encountered a fork in the hallway.

      Out of breath, she took a second to look back. The guards were close behind... She looked both ways and saw an escape pod chamber to the right. She sprinted as fast as she could to the chamber and closed the door as she got in the room. She had to act fast as to door would not hold for much longer after they got there.

      She layed her newborn daughter in one pod and kissed her on the forehead, knowing this would be the last time she would see her only daughter. She shut the airtight door on the pod and pressed the eject button on the control panel. She could not help but be overcome by sadness as she placed her son in a different pod. She kissed the soundly sleeping newborn on his head and closed the hatch. As she pressed the button, the door she had closed to keep the guards out started to buckle.

      She sat down in the center of the room, crossed her legs, and waited. As the door continued to crunch with blow after blow, she shed two tears. as they ran down her face, they grew ever closer until they connected at her chin and fell to the floor. The united tear fell almost as if it were in slow motion. At the same time as the tear hit the floor, the door swung open and the guards flooded in.

      The little children sensed their mothers presence leave them, and they both started crying. They were headed in opposite directions, and eventually they would land on two different planets, and live two very different lives.

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