Chapter 6

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   I woke up, a little perplexed by last night's dream. Jer, my pet jerboa, was sound asleep on my chest so I didn't want to disturb her. I gently picked her up, and set her carefully in her normal sleeping place, a small ruffle of newspaper that she loved to chew on and nibble through.

     I then sat up, rubbed my eyes and looked at Jer, who was doing a cute little jerboa snore that sounded more like a kitten softly meowing. I stood up and looked at my phone. Three texts from Jessie. I read them to myself.

Turner, Jessica - 7:53 A.M. May 18th, 3042: hey kyle i was wundrin if u wnt 2 go c a movie later 2nite

Turner, Jessica - 8:16 A.M. May 18th, 3042: hey kyle u wanna do somthin later today? txt me if you do 

Turner, Jessica -10:07 A.M. May 18th, 3042: wher r u kyle... i need sum1 2 do sumthin with 2day... plz txt me back 

     Gosh, I thought to myself, she is rather obsessive, isn't she? I should really consider waking up earlier on days off...

     I got dressed and went to Jess's house and knocked on the door. Her mom answered the door, looking frightened. More frightened than usual I suppose. She grabbed my collar and jerked me inside, then looked outside the door and finally closed it and locked it.

"Mrs. Turner, what was all that ab-" I began to say. I was stopped by a finger covering my lips, and she silently told me to hush. The sound of a low-leveled helicopter flying past the house roared through my ears. I would later find out that the sound of helicopters is also coincidentally the same sound made by hovering limousine.

     Just then, the front door burst open, and ten men in the classic FBI style uniform from the early twenty-first century flooded in. The one that was most decorated scanned me with what looked like a radar gun. He paused a second and the device beeped. He nodded to two more and they advanced to me.

"Kyle Schwartz?" He asked me, to which I nodded. He continued in response to my answer, "You need to come with us. It's a matter of galactic security. We already have your friends Jessica and Josh in custody, they'll accompany us in our journey." The two agents next to me each grabbed on of my arms and escorted me to the hovering, black limo parked by the curb.

     They seated me in the car, buckled me in, and shut the door. There was a sudden jerk in the vehicle, and suddenly we were out of the atmosphere of the colony where I had always known as home. I always wanted to go into space, but not like this. The same man spoke again, but to one of the men sitting next to me.

"Knock him out, it'll make this trip alot faster," was the last thing I heard. Before I could react, I felt a sharp pain in my thigh, which quickly subsided as I fell unconcious.

     When I awoke, I was dizzy, and had a major headache. I was sitting in a highly advanced warroom-like area, and sitting next to me were Jessie and Josh, who were still unconcious. Sitting across from us were three girls, who looked to be my age. Of the three, only the middle one was concious.  

     There was something oddly familiar about her, as if I had met her before. As soon as I layed eyes on her, I knew something was up. I thought to myself, what is going on? Then something very strange happened. I heard another voice in my head. It was a feminine voice, and she said to me, "I don't know either. I'm assuming the same thing happened to you that happened to me?" I noticed that the girl was staring intently at me.

     I said aloud to her, "Was that you? That voice in my head?"  

     She nodded slowly, without saying a word. She again approached me through my mind, "Don't talk aloud, they can hear us. There is a special bond between us, and they know that. I don't know what this bond is or how we were bonded, but we need to find out. Together."

"Okay," I spoke to her in my mind. "What is your name, then? We might as well start off with that! I'm Kyle."

     At that moment, the men came in and took the girl away. The connection between us broke and I couldn't access her mind anymore. As they took her out of her chair, I caught a glimpse at what was on her pink sweatshirt.

     Seconds later, the men came back without the girl, and took me away to a different room. As they were moving me to the next room, I pondered what the expression on her sweatshirt meant.

It read, "Make way, Princess coming through!"

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