42. No Reason

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I'm just a bored piece of life who cries for no reason.

My teacher was just asking me a question I well knew the answer to but it stared with  trembling lips and then bawling eyes. I cried as if I had been ripped.

On my way back to my place he offered me tissue.

"It's okay." I mumbled inbetween tears. It was a sweet gesture. Probably I didn't deserve it.

I sat in my place continuing my work and still trying to wipe stray tears. She glared at me.

Probably thinking I was the biggest drama queen ever.

Why did I even cry without a reason?  I've been doing that a lot recently.

Maybe it was a breaking point. The snapping point.

I feel tired and ashamed of myself after that tantrum. Still am.

Ma says I'm a coward. And I can't survive the world if I'm one.

I say I am weird.

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