page 02 • goofkawa

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"If you're bringing Sugawara over, then I'm bringing Tobio and Shoyo." You argue with Mei the next day.

"Wow, you have an orgy-" She shuts up while laughing when you throw a napkin at her.

"Besides. Sugawara is different. We are going out, [Name], so you gotta start treating him with some respect, ya know." Mei hisses, looking up from the memo pad in her hand.

Your sister was planning on inviting Sugawara for brunch this Saturday, and the very thought of being the third wheel made you want to dig a hole and become a mole hog instead. She asked you to accompany her, to which you declined, being the lazy potato that you were.

"I totally respect Suga-san, don't worry. So can I bring them?"

"Fine. But you guys aren't gonna bother us, okay?" She says, and you give her a thumbs up.

You pick up your phone to call your friends, before she stands up, taking her large tote bag.

"I'm going shopping with Tooru. Do you have anything you have to buy?"

"Oh, nah I'm good. See yo- Wait? Who??"

"Tooru. Don't you know him? I think he's our neighbour downstairs."

"What the fuck, I can't believe you would say that. Mei, why are you going with him?!" You want to know, squinting your eyes at the way your sister winks, and picks up her smartphone.

"Cuz Tooru said he had some stuff he wanted to buy and asked me to help him out. Do you wanna come along now?" Mei asks, waggling her eyebrows. Seriously, she was picking up some annoying habits from Oikawa, and you consider adding her to the list of people you wanted to dump goo all over.

Before you can give her your obvious answer, there is a ring on the doorbell. By now, you can take a hint that only Oikawa would be a goof enough to bother your household.

"Mei-chan, shall we go? Oh. [Name]-chan, yahho!"

You are surprised that your phone does not get cracks from you squeezing it so hard in annoyance. Really, why weren't you getting used to it by now? It keeps on repeating itself, yet Oikawa never fails to make you want to begin an exorcism while burning his pictures.

"Well hello there." You greet with a wave. And as much as you try to get your sarcasm through, Oikawa only gets more motivated.

"Mei-chan, she waved at me!" He whispers, making Mei giggle.

"Let's go, Tooru. She doesn't want to come with us."

With that, the two of them leaves, dreaded silence spreading through the entire apartment.

In fact, the silence is so painfully eerie, that you put your shoes on and decide to step out for some fresh air.

You were totally not planning to go follow those two. Of course not.

You make a call to Hinata, who politely lets you know that he has to go to his little sister's concert on Saturday. Praying that Kageyama doesn't end up with the same kind of luck, you press call and wait for him to pick up.

"[Last Name]-san?"

"I told you to drop the -san and call my first name, Tobio." You laugh. It always made you chuckle at how odd it sounded when he addressed you that.

"I forgot. [Name]. Is something wrong?"

"Tobiooo," You say, kicking a piece of rock that was on the ground. "Wanna come over to my place for brunch this Saturday?"

There is silence from Kageyama's end before he mumbles a quiet 'Okay'.

"I'll text you the address!" You gush, already feeling hyped for Saturday. Kageyama was quiet when he wasn't with Hinata/In the gym, so it had always been hard to talk to him out of school.

But he was a good friend, who made you laugh by being an adorable dork when you sat with him during a few of his practice session breaks.

"Okay," Kageyama replies again, and you cut the call. With a smile on your face, you decide to head back upstairs.

Or so, you wished, until you see who is standing in front of you.

You freeze when you see that it is Oikawa Tooru, dressed in an oversized blue shirt and grey jeans.

And he does not look very happy.


a/n; well, fuck.

taking a smol moment to wish the gorgeous Akaashi Keiji a very happy birthday ♥ 

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