page 28 • dimwitkawa

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That's continuously on your mind when you get a text from him that he'd be late to the stadium.

Kageyama and Hinata are playing a match against a really good team in the Nationals, so Mei, Eiko and you are absolutely ready to be the embarrassing trio who would cheer like crazy. In fact, you've even made friends with the elder sister of one of the second-years from Karasuno, and also their blonde manager that Mei unnecessarily claims is a perfect match for Hinata.

You've also talked a little with Tomo, who Kageyama had expressed that he has feelings for, and you can understand why he might feel that - she was smart, just like Kageyama was.

Just in different areas, of course.

Kageyama was a dimwit at studies, though.

Speaking of volleyball geniuses...


While Oikawa expressed his dismay at your enthusiasm towards the Karasuno team, he had hurried to agree to join you when you agree to walk to school with him till he graduates.

It makes you a little sad... He's agreeing to wake up earlier than usual just to get a bus to reach you, for the simple fact that he wanted to walk with you.

The level of dedication he has in regards to you makes you feel some sort of respect towards him, so you decided to address him with 'Tooru' for the day...

... Until he had sent the text that he'd be late by 30 minutes.


You're starting to get some interest in volleyball, and having Oikawa beside you meant that you're learning something when he speaks about it continuously during the match, instead of just listening to the incessant squeals of your friends.

"Hey. Look at that dude." Eiko points at a blonde male who is currently waiting for his turn to serve. "He is so hot."

Clearly, Eiko has a thing for blonde guys.

"I can't agree more!" Mei has to add. You can't really see his face all that well, so you take the pamphlet on the players and check the lineup for Inarizaki.

"Miya Atsumu." You read out loud, learning that he's a setter, just like Oikawa. Sure, he was good looking, but-

"Why are you looking at other men, [Name]-chan?" A voice interrupts your reading, efficiently butting in and you see Oikawa squeezing himself between you and Mei. "I'm better looking than that kid."

"This dimwit never gets off from his high horse, does he?" You say, glancing at your sister who giggles while Oikawa's jaw drops open and he stares at you, dumbfounded.

"That's the speciality of Tooru of course, lolol." Mei has to say, returning her attention to the match.

"You twins are so mean!"

"Don't forget about me too, you little rascal." Eiko has to say, using her orange cone to slap Oikawa's hair, effortlessly completing the Oikawa-bullying trio 2k20.

"I don't know about you, but I think the other twin is better looking." You tell Eiko. "The one called Miya Osamu."

"You dumbass. There is literally nothing different from that besides their hair color, how do you decide that?!"

"Well," Oikawa can't seem to stay without butting into conversations he isn't needed at, "They're poles apart even if they look alike, the Miya Brothers."

"Are they really famous, Tooru?"

Oikawa's head instantly whips to you when you ask him that, and he blinks for a while before he shakes his head up and down aggressively.

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