A Little Birdy

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  Like clockwork Jae rang the doorbell to the house. I walked down and opened the door. I was coming straight from another shower. I was dressed only in a short silk and lace robe. I opened the door with a smile. I still wasn't happy with our situation but if he had really moved on then I'd suck it up and play my role. I'm good at that. At least that what I wanted to believe.

"I was cautious?" I asked crossing my arms.

He tilted his head slightly "what?" He said giving me the baby bag.

"You told them I was cautious of your relationship with Sicily."

"Celine," He corrected "What did you want me to say? That she found out though the media and was upset and didn't approve?"

I took Adeniji in his car seat and greeted him with a silly face and brought him inside. Jaejeong followed behind me. I walked up the stairs to Adenijis room which was pretty much vacant due to my need to keep him by my side at all times.

"Yes. If you're going to parade around with that woman. I want everyone to know that it's not with my approval."

Jae scoffed and it was his turn to cross his arms as I unbuckled Adeniji and checked his diaper before setting him on the changing table.

"We both know my answer to that." I said softly as I worked quickly to change the baby's diaper.

"And we know my answer to your answer."

"Heh" I gave a small chuckle.


" No matter how much I think about it. You left me. Which isn't surprising but it's why you left."

Jae looked at me shocked "Are you serious? You don't know why?"

I threw Adeniji's old diaper in the trash and then tickled him gently. "Look at mommys big boy all fresh." I cooed as I placed a new diaper on him.

"Because I kissed someone that wasn't you."

"Because I'm constantly trying to get closer to you and you never budge. Then to hear you flirting and that you kissed another man it was the last straw. I've worked my ass off to be with you and shit always happens. I'm fed up. That's why I left."

"You wouldn't even listen to my explanation." I sighed taking Aden's shirt off. Jae grabbed a simple white onesie from Adens onesie drawer and handed it to me.

"What good would it do? Every time you'd go to the dance studio I'd still get paranoid. Every time you had practice I'd wonder if you'd be dancing with him or fucking him."


"Nope. I don't want to hear it."

"Fine. I'll skip that part then." I said dressing Adeniji. I picked him up and brought him back to my bedroom.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked as we walked into the room Leona was making up my bed after changing the sheets. I gave her a small smirk and I couldn't help myself as I turned my head to watch as she left. I put the sleeping Adeniji in his crib and looked at Jae who had a curious look on his face

"What?" I asked

"What was that?" He asked raising a brow

"What was what?"

"That look Adeyemi."

"Oh, I'm sorry are you in a position to be asking me about my personal life?" I asked throwing his words back at him.

Jae frowned. "Yemi."

"One, don't call me that. If you aren't fucking me anymore, you can't call me that. Two, let's just say I wasn't think about you while I was fucking her either." I said leaning against the wall beside the crib.

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