Chapter 1

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"Wake up, whore! It's time for school." My brother yelled from the door. Anyone else calling me this would have seriously pissed me off, but I knew he was just jokin around.

"Mphf." I mumbled and rolled over. There were a few thuds, and then Trenton landed on top of me, knocking the breath out of me. "OOF!" I yelled. Trenton stood up, jerking the cover off me, exposing my body to the freezing cold temperature of my room. He just looked at me.

"Why do you just wear underwear and your boyfriends sweatshirt to bed? It's really disturbing."

"Who said you had to jerk the covers off me?"

"Well, next time you should get your skinny ass up. Or no more sex with Marcus!"

"TRENTON!!" I yelled. "You pervert!"

"I hear you guys at night ya know. Who knew you'd be a screamer?"

"Get outta here!" I threw my shoe at him. He grinned, and dodged it. I heard him laughing as he walked down the hallway.

"I'm serious! Get up!" He called.

"Jerk." I murmered. I sighed and got up. I opened my closet, and studied myself in the mirror hanging on the back of it. My hair was all over my head, and Marcus' sweatshirt was all wrinkled. I pulled a pair of acid washed skinny jeans off the hanger and picked a cami with a half-shirt that went off the shoulder, and had premade holes in it. I dressed quickly, then went to do my hair. I straightened it to perfection, and lined my eyes thickly with eyeliner. I put mascara on, and some brown eye shadow, and I was ready. I pulled my black knee high boots from under neath my bed, and tugged them on. I grabbed Marcus's hoodie and sprayed it with his cologne. The I sprayed my perfume on my shirt, and put on a coat of cherry lipgloss. I picked up my bag, and headed out.

I walked in to the kitchen, and found Trenton, still in his underwear, eating a bowl of count chocula.

"Really, Trent? Do you have to wear Hulk boxers? It's disturbing." He looked up at me, mouth full of cereal, milk dripping down his chin, and shrugged. "oh, you are so gross."

He downed the rest of his milk, and put his bowl in the sink. He walked through the living room,to his room. In a few minutes he was back. Wearing a pair of holy acid washed jeans, a pair of sneakers, and a shirt that said "I'm so Hood."

"I know you're in a gang for whatever reason it is, but that shirt? Yeah, it doesn't make you cool. Nor does it make you hood. Go change!" He groaned and walked back to his room, he came back in a shirt with a skull on it. "That's better. Hair?" He raked his fingers through it. The looked at his refelection in the toaster. It was sticking up everywhere, but it suited him.

"I'm good. You ready? Let's go." I walked out the door ahead of him, and started to walk to the passenger seat. Yo, Sky!" I turned and caught the keys he'd thrown at me with ease.

"You're letting me drive your car?"

"Yes, now get in before I change my mind." I got in, throwing my stuff over the seat. It hit the back floorboard with a dull thud, and I started it up. Neither one of us bothered putting on our seat belts, but in a town so small, there were hardly any cops. I backed out of the drive way, and sped to school. I got out, and waited for Trenton to shut his door before locking it. I threw the keys to him, which he caught without looking, and we headed to find Marcus and the boys.

I caught sight of him leaning against the side of the building, sun glasses on, a cigarette hanging from his mouth, and surrounded by girls. I walked up to them. I completely pushed passed them, and into Marcus. I pressed my body firmly against his, and pulled his face down to kiss him. As soon as his lips touched mine, I smiled, and in response he smiled. His tounge slipped into my mouth and I sighed. His hands were resting at the small of my back, his fingers lightly brushing my butt.

"Bout time you got here." He said to Trenton when we pulled away.

"Sorry, man. She wouldn't wake up. Had to threaten her with no Marcus-sex before she got up."

"Okay, well, you didn't have to take it that far did you? That wouldn't be good, man, if I didn't get to see my girl." He smiled down at me, and kissed me again. I turned around in his arms, leaning against him. He kissed my neck, and I smiled. You know, you'd think it'd be wierd, seeing your little sister make out with her boyfriend, but Trenton stood there chatting away at another one of the gang members.

I noticed a girl staring at me and Marcus pointedly, with her eyes narrowed.

"Something wrong?" I snapped. Normally I wasn't such a bitch, but when people do something to piss me off, I say something.

"Nothing at all."

"Good. Now run a long." She turned and walked off.

"What was that?" Marcus asked in my ear. I turned my head sideways.

"Nothing. Just some girl with a problem." I said before pulling his lips to mine again. The bell rang, signaling it was time for homeroom.

Marcus walked me in the building and to my homeroom.

"I'll see you in first." He rubbed my butt as a gave him a hug. I pulled away, and walked into homeroom.


Another story I'll be updating frequently. I know most of my stories aren't that good, but you guys reading them means a lot! Comments are needed, so go ahead! Please vote and fan. It'd mean alot!

~Thanks. See ya later.~

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