Chapter 17

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Skylar's P.O.V

The next morning, I woke up. Riley wasn't in the bed. In fact, he wasn't in the room at all. I sat up in the bed, and rubbed my eyes, trying to clear my vision. He walked into the room then, fully dressed, running a towel over his hair.

"Hey, you're awake."

"Yeah. Sorry I slept so long."

"That's not a problem. You deserve to sleep. Besides, you didn't really sleep that long. It's only 12:30. I woke up at 11:58." He said, tossing the towel back in the hamper in the corner of his room. He sat down on the edge of the bed.

"You should have woke me up!" I said.

"No, you need your sleep. You looked so cute, sleeping, and I didn't want to disturb you." He pressed his lips against mine, and pulled away.

"Have you heard from Trenton?"

"Yes, actually. He told me to tell you to we're having a meeting at your place when you wake up."

"Do you know what it's about?"

"Nope. He's waiting until everybody's there before he tells us."


"Me, you, Chase and Travis."

"Oh. Well, I'll get dressed then." I climbed from the bed, and walked over to his chest of drawers where he keeps my clothes. I found a pair of ripped denim blue jeans, and a yellow tank top. The bed sqeaked as he got up off of it. Then the door was closed quietly, and I was left by myself.

I changed quickly, and threw my unruly hair up into a ponytail. I put on no make up. Not really wanting to deal with the hassle. I walked to the door, and opened it.

"I'm ready." I called to Riley. Wherever he was.

"Alright." He said, coming into the room. "How about we go get somethin to eat before we go to your place. I was waiting for you to get up before eating."

"Sounds good." He took my hand, and pulled me from the room. I climbed into the passengar seat, and he climbed into the drivers side.

"Why are you sitting all the way over there?" He asked, looking at me, and then back to the road a few times as he drove. I shrugged.

"I dunno." He patted the space beside him. I grinned and scooted over to him. He draped one of his arms around my shoulders, keeping the other one on the wheel.

"Where ya wanna eat?"

"Doesn't matter to me." He pulled up in front of Dairy Queen, and he started to get out. My eyes drifted over the parking lot, and I gasped. I grabbed his wrist, and pulled him back in the truck. The door shut back. I hunkered down in the seat, peeking over the dash to look at him.

"What's wrong?"

"We can't eat here." I said quietly, still peering over the dashboard.

"Why not?"

"He's here."

"He as in..."

"No! No, not that him. It's Casey Phelps. The guy who was trying to pick me up before...." I trailed off. "I didn't like Casey like that. And then he came along. There was a feud between gangs. His brother got stabbed. Now he hates me. I haven't seen him in forever. I'd like to keep it that way. It would just cause problems for Trenton, Chase, and Travis. They were in that fight." I shuddered, remembering the battle for my heart. It's not that I didn't like Casey. Well, it is actually. I could have liked him, I guess. But I hadn't known him long enough. And then HE showed an interest in me. I had known him longer, and I did kind of like him. And things went from there.

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