Robin VS Kid Flash

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KF: (Shouts into the camera) The best sidekick in the world is is here!
Robin: (whispers to camera) I think he means me
KF:No I was talking about myself
Robin: No you were defiantly talking about me
KF: You know you are impossible. I'm the best sidekick and you know it.
Robin: you know what I don't think I do.
KF: You know what we should have to settle this a Robin VS Kid Flash. We will look at old mission clips and who ever how take an down the most bad guys wins.
Robin: Ok but we have a team mate count. Like maybe Aqualad.

(Camra cuts to Aqualad)

Aqualad: I'm going to start with the Drop-zone mission because it was the first official mission.
Robin and KF: ok
Aqualad: Kid Flash took down 15 guys
And Robin 5.
Robin: that's no fare I wad fighting Cobro the whole time
Kid Flash: I think is plenty fare
Robin: well that was one clip and anyway the clips don't decide who's a better side kick I say we have the team vote who's better.
KF: fine

(Camera cuts to Artemis on the sofa)

Artemis: (sighs) do I really have to do this?
Robin and Kid Flash: yes you do.
Artemis: Ok well Baywatch is to annoying and loud on missions. All he does is talk. And every thing is a joke to him like seriously. Don't get me wrong, he's a nice guy but not a great team mate. So I vote Robin.

(Camera cuts to Miss. Martion bakeing)

MM: So you want me to pick which one on you is a better team mate.
KF: yes.
MM: don't you think that's a bit rude to you two.
Robin: no its totally cool.
MM: I don't thinks so.
KF: please just pick green cheeks.
MM: I pick both
Robin: you can't
MM: (flies away)

(Camera cuts to super boy)

SB: so you guys are having a Robin VS Kid Flash and you want me to pick which one of you two is a better team mate?
Kid Flash and Robin: yes
Super Boy: Robin

(Camera cuts to Kid Flash and Robin)

Robin: lets count these votes
Kid Flash: Ok but I get Miss. M's vote deal.
Robin: (sighing) deal. me with 2 votes and KF with 1 vote. Which means I win.
KF: (starts fake crying)
Robin: better luck next time KF

(Camera cuts to KF and Rob in a different room)

Robin: Well I hope you enjoyed watching this video. I know I enjoyed marking it. Please like and subscribe for more videos like this one. If your all ready subscribed thank you you we love you so much. Good bye, I have to go get KF to stop crying.

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