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Would you think I'm crazy if I said that I like you?

Sehun's eyes popped out of their sockets. Well, he shouldn't even be too surprised because of the fact that a lot of people confessed to him. This time though, it caught him off guard.

"I don't know," Sehun answered, staring blankly at Yixing.

"Then, would you think I'm really out of my fucking mind if I kissed you?"

He must be really high!

Yixing already took a timid step closer to Sehun as he stared into the boy's beautiful dark orbs. He moved another step closer but Sehun didn't move. Yixing smirked and took two more steps, now only one step away from Sehun's face. It looked like Sehun had no intention of stopping Yixing because he didn't move an inch when Yixing's face moved closer to his. He wanted to move but he can't find it in himself to do so. Maybe Yixing is his destined lover?

Just as lips were about to meet another pair of lips, a pair of arms dragged Yixing away and slapped him across his face.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Lay?" Snapped a shorter male who glared at Yixing. "It's so unlike you to do such a thing"

Yixing laughed, "People change, don't they?"

"For two years we've been together with no problems or anything, except for the fact that you keep smoking. We're both professional doctors who love our jobs and love each other. So why are you doing this?"

Yixing sighed, "But Junmyeon, it's so boring. We never argue or have any small fights and even if I purposely do something to anger you, you overlook it and forgive me. I'm not saying we should fight all the time but just once can't we just hate each other, even for a while? And don't get me started on that awful sex we have every two or three weeks. You're so boring beyond belief. You don't moan, you don't try something new....NOTHING! I'm getting tired of it already"

Sehun laughed and laughed so hard that his stomach hurt. Here he was wishing he had a peaceful life but someone is now telling him that it's boring and want what he has. Life is so fucked up, honestly!

When he was done, he patted the both of them on their backs, "You two are so interesting. I hope you two have a wonderful relationship. Oh, and if you resort to arguing and getting into fights, don't abuse each other too much" With that said, he left the hospital and went home.


Luhan was alone in the hospital bed, warm tears streaming down his face as he pondered on life. Was I wrong for shouting at him? He looked so hurt, I hope he's alright...

No matter how Luhan looks at it, he loves Sehun. He loves him so much and it kills him. When Sehun told him that he was pregnant, he was happy and shocked but more scared than anything. He's scared that something will go wrong and the baby dies or he die. He's scared that Sehun might not be able to face his responsibilities and run away from them. He's scared most of all that Sehun won't love the baby like he deserves to.

One week later, when Luhan was finally out of the hospital, he was picked up by Chanyeol and dropped off at his house. He stood outside for a while before he rang the doorbell and waited. He heard footsteps coming down the stairs, making him impossibly nervous. When the door finally opened and revealed a handsome boy in front of him, he couldn't help it ㅡ he threw himself at Sehun and kissed him. This kiss was different - unlike always being filled with lust, it was meaningful...full of love.

"Sehun," Luhan began when they pulled apart. He stared into his eyes and even when he went down on one knee, not once did he break from staring into his lover's eyes. "You're my destiny. You're my everything. I thought everything through and I can say that we were meant to be. Despite everything, my heart just longs for you and only you. You're all I need, nothing else matters, well, at least not for now." He went into his pocket for something. Sehun gasped when he saw a beautiful royal blue box. Luhan handed it to Sehun, "Open it"

Sehun didn't hesitate and opened the box. "Lu..."

"Will you marry me, Sehun?"

Sehun was speechless. He always thought that he was going to be the one to propose in a way that would sweep Luhan off his feet. However, that did not stop him from saying "Yes"

Luhan smiled happily and cried happy tears. He got up and hugged Sehun, sobbing silently into his chest. "I love you so much"

And for the first time in a long while, Sehun was renewed of the feeling of love. "I love you more" Everything seemed so perfect in that moment and Luhan doesn't want it any other way. Just being in Sehun's embrace and hearing him say that he loves him was satisfying to Luhan.

"Oh my God, guys!" Baekhyun yelled. "You two are outside for fuck's sake"

"Shut it, Byun!" Sehun playfully said

"Correction - Park!" Baekhyun smiled smugly at Sehun. "Anyway, what's with all of the hugging and mushy shit?"

Luhan suddenly hugged Baekhyun and cried happily, "Just like you and Chanyeol, we're getting married"

Baekhyun chuckled, "That's so exciting! What if we get married together as in on the same day? It'll save us time and money"

"We'll discuss that. For now, let's grab a drink and celebrate. Call Kyungsoo, Kai, and Chanyeol; we're gonna get fucking wasted!"

"Slow down," Sehun butted in. "You're pregnant. No alcohol for you"

"PREGNANT?" Baekhyun yelled, his eyes popping out of their sockets. "I wanna be pregnant too" He deadpanned.

"Tell that to Chanyeol"

"I'll call him and tell him now," Baekhyun said quickly. "By the way, is it okay if we have sex in your house. I'm sure Chanyeol won't mind."

Sehun made a disgusted face, "As long as I don't see or hear"

"No promises"

"You lil shㅡ" Sehun didn't get to finish because Baekhyun kicked him in his balls.

"I am not little and neither am I 'shit'" Baekhyun sassed. He stepped into the house with a roll of his eyes and sat down on the sofa while he made a phone call to Chanyeol.

Sehun, on the other hand, crouched down in pain as he clutched his balls in his hand. Luhan tried to cover his laugh with a cough as he watched how Sehun was hissing in pain. "I think you should lie down. Maybe then your dick would get some rest"

Some minutes after, Kai, Kyungsoo, and Chanyeol arrived at the house but they brought company.

"This is my best friend, Xiumin," Kyungsoo introduced. "And this tall motherfucker is Kris"

"Nice to meet you," Luhan bowed. "I'm Luhan. That's Baekhyun," He pointed at the said boy who was grinding on Chanyeol. "and his fiance, Chanyeol. This idiot that is sitting beside me is the love of my life, Sehun"

"I have a boyfriend, in case you were wondering," Xiumin piped up. "His name is Chen and we're getting married soon"

Sehun's eyes widened at the mention of Chen's name. Maybe it's a different Chen...

"I'm just a third wheel," Kris said, looking utterly annoyed at the couples in front of him. Besides from the fact that Xiumin's partner was there, still, at least he had someone.

"Don't worry. Your significant other is out there somewhere" Luhan smiled sweetly at Kris. "You'll meet that person one day, just you wait"

"Um, guys," Kai started, "I thought we were here to celebrate and not chatter about those cringy things" Kai shuddered and Kyungsoo glared at him.

"Jongin..." saying his name like that was a warning and Kai understood immediately so he just bowed in apology and sat beside Sehun. "I thought so. Now, let's celebrate!"

That was the start of a wild day...


I hate growing up! 

Changed : Hunhan [ Sequel to Sex Addict ]Where stories live. Discover now