1: Sailing Away

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Warning: Contains spoilers (obviously.) LunaPage :P

     A tall wizard watched from the top deck as the ship started to move, leaning against the railing. The cold wind whipped his scarf around so much he had to tie it tighter. A few different people waved from the dock, but Newt seeked only one. There--he spotted her, waving from a desolate building corner. He raised his hand and waved to Tina, who had tears in her eyes. She smiled sadly at him, and Newt smiled back, before a cloud of steam obscurred her from his vision for a second. When the steam dissapated, she was gone, nothing but an empty corner where she was.
     Newt sighed and looked around, pulling his jacket closer around him, being careful not to squish Pickett the bowtruckle. Pickett was still a little mad at Newt for giving him to a dishonest bar owner, (even though he had gotten him back five minutes later) but Newt had a feeling Pickett would forgive him. He patted his breast pocket gently, before reaching down to pick up a brown leather suitcase.
     Newt was tired, he had to admit. It had been a very long couple of days, and he was ready for some sleep. But first, he had to check on his creatures.
    As Newt walked to his stateroom, he thought about the accomplishments of his trip to America. The thunderbird had been freed, and all the American Muggles had been wiped of the memory of the Obscurial. The Obscurial...poor Credence. Newt had wanted to help him, to give him a proper education so he wouldn't end up like the little girl in Africa...but that didn't work out. Credence was gone. On top of that, Jacob had to be Obliviated with the rest of the Muggles, and he had been such a good friend. Funny, too. Newt wondered if all Muggles would have been so intrigued by his beasts; he had always assumed they would be terrified. But Jacob wasn't terrified--he was amazed. Newt had really appreciated having him along, even if Jacob didn't remember him. He had left Jacob his harvest of Occamy shells to use as a collateral, so he could start his bakery. Newt hoped that Jacob would be able to live his dream, because he deserved at least that much. 
    Then there were Tina and Queenie, who had put their jobs at risk to help him round up his creatures. Not all women were that selfless, let alone that interesting. Queenie was a flirt, sure,  but she was a Legilimens, too, and Newt knew how much mind power that took. She hadn't been mean when she invaded his mind, she was only curious. But, she had stopped herself when he asked, which he was grateful for. Then there was Tina...she was stern, but she was level-headed. You could tell she wanted to do what was right, and Newt respected her for that. He was so glad she had gotten her job back, for he couldn't think of someone who deserved to be an Auror more than Tina.
     As he thought of what it would be like in a year or two when he came to bring her the copy of his book, Newt smiled and locked his room door. He unlocked the leather suitcase he had in his hands, and lifted the lid, closing it behind him as he descended the steps to check on his magical creatures.
Love for: Calistral

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