A Christmas Wish

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I never really believed in magical beings as a child. I knew magical creatures like the Tooth Fairy and Santa were fake. Made up people who were created in order to convince children that the world was a great place where everyone lives happily ever after and all your dreams can come true.
My name is lillana. I'm the girl in the back of the room that no one talks to because of my illnesses. I have been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. The doctors say that I think that there's something wrong with me, but I know there is. It's the reason no one ever wants to get close to
me. I'm not the most, pleasant person to be near. I have many qualities that prevents people from staying or keeping promises. Although I don't believe in Santa, Christmas is my favorite holiday. I always have wanted to not be alone on Christmas but that never happens since no one ever wants to be close to me and because of my BPD. I don't know when it happened but one night I had a dream where a tall man dressed in a completely silver suit came to me. He had a bluish color to his skin but was incredibly handsome and he had these great big wings that took up the entire length of my room. The man looked down at me and said "Hello there little girl. I'm the Christmas angel, Noel. I have been watching you from the heavens and I heard that you have a wish to not be alone on Christmas. I will make you a deal. If you make 1,000 paper snowflakes by next Christmas I will grant your wish." He had a melodic voice that sounded like soft snow falling from the sky. "You must make them all on your own. Do you understand?" I looked in to his soft, blue eyes. I tried to say something but my younger felt as if it had been tied in to a knot so I just nodded. "Good, then I hope to see you next Christmas. Sweet dreams lillana."
I woke up to the soft sound of snow falling outside. Sitting up, I thought about Noel. Even though I never believed in magical creatures, Noel felt different and I began to make my first snowflake. I didn't make many at first but as the year went on more and more accumulated in my room. I would create them when I felt sad or alone. I also made them when I thought about how I don't belong here. I don't know why but it was comforting and made me feel better.
Christmas rolled around once again and I had just barely made it to 1000 snowflakes. That night I sat at my window and waited. When it seemed like Noel would never come a bright night started to shine in the sky and Noel descended. "Hello lillana. Still wish for a friend to spend Christmas with?" I ran up to him and threw my arms around his neck. For the first time, someone had kept their promise to me. We spend the rest of the night talking to each other but even that came to an end.
"Yes Noel,"
"Are you unhappy here?"
I looked up at him and thought for a moment.
"Yes Noel I'm afraid I'm very unhappy,"
"Lillana, would you like to come with me to the heavens and live with me forever?"
I look at the hope in his eye and accepted his invitation. He took my hand as wings, similar to his, grew out of my shoulder blades. Together, we flew up in to the sky and entered the heavens. We have been living happily ever since.

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