The story of Nirbhaya

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A piece of cloth to cover my shame,
Not a man took out his coat to cover my breast,
Instead flashed their cameras
To capture my nude pictures,
Tears rushed through my cheeks,
Unable to move, I grieved inside.

A few hours before I was happy,
Smiling as I watched the love of my life,
Sitting by my side.
He swayed his head to my side,
And we gazed each other as the movie was running.

We sat on an empty seat in a bus,
With love he implanted a kiss on my cheeks,
To the rest of my life what happened next would always be evident,
They stopped d bus and beat him up.

They dragged me on the floor,
they tore my clothes till I had nothing on,
He bit my neck and scratched my breasts,
And kissed me everywhere.
How different both the kisses were.
I was injured till I couldn't move.

Age was never a problem,
3 or 73 they tear their vagina's,
My mother's eyes seared as she read the newspaper each day,
And today she reads the same about her own daughter.

They threw us out of the bus,
Both of us lay naked on the road,
I couldn't move to beg for a piece of cloth to cover my shame,
The doctors came running,
I begged for my life,
But they gave no hope,
I wished for a second chance to undo that night.

A few months later my results were out,
I topped d class. But what was it for?
With a lifeless body I wander about,
With no peace even at death,
I often visit my parents,
To see them weep over my fate.
I become enraged as I watch them
Walk among the crowd as ordinary men.
With No disgust of what they did.

Today I'm on the headlines, all over the newspaper.
They talk about my desire to live,
Asking women to fight their fate like me,
Soon they named me 'nirbhaya'
Means no fear.

The angles becokened me to heaven, but restless I sit here on earth,
Writing this poem.
Remembering the time I begged,
For a piece of cloth to cover my shame.






Guys Do vote, like and comment if u like the poem. It's my first work so give a boost.. I'll come up with more. Do add it to ur wall so that ur followers can see this.

Thankyou guys.

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