Chapter six

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Yeah I couldn't help it

Little Simon will be away for one more time XD



Chapter six

"Uncle Baki I want ice cream!" Simon told him as he was pointing at the ice cream truck and pulling at his pant leg, looking up at him. Baki looked unsure, whether or not to get him ice cream, considering he didn't even know if Simon even ate all day. "Come on Baki, let him have ice cream" Ghost told him, knowing that time will pass faster.

"Mm...alright Simon" Baki finally caved in, sighing before standing up. "Ghost take care of Simon until I come back" he told Ghost who let out a groan but nodded, agreeing and Baki walked off, towards the ice cream truck.

There was silence between the two. Ghost was watching Baki from the distance with a smile and a light blush and, to his luck, Little Simon saw that. "You like Uncle Baki" he told him, simply stating it, which Ghost quickly looked at him with a full blush, "I-I do not!" Ghost argued before realizing how stupid he was for arguing to a child.

"You look at him like daddy looks at mommy" Simon explained in a way that his small innocent mind could understand.

Ghost simply stared at him for a solid minute before sighing, "Fine I like him okay" Ghost grunted, crossing his arms and leans back against the bench. Little Simon giggled and climbed on the bench, sitting on his knees and looking up at Ghost, who looked back to him, "Are you to be my new uncle?" Simon asked him.

A very simple and innocent question, yet it left Ghost nearly choking on his own spit and coughing a bit. Little Simon was still looking at him, still waiting for his answer. "Um...m-maybe" Ghost told him, lightly blushing and was kinda hoping.

"Hey I'm back" Baki announced his arrival, walking towards them and handed a vanilla ice cream cone to Simon, who squealed in excitement, took and started licking it.


While Baki and Ghost were talking, Little Simon was playing on the playground not too far away from them. Standing at the top of the playground, he gripped onto the bars and looking at his uncle and his friend, Little Simon was slightly waiting for something to happen.

"Mm..." he hummed, pouting a bit and pulled away from the bars and took the slide. After sliding down, he was suddenly distracted by a colorful butterfly and started chasing it.



Hearing his name, Baki looked behind Ghost and saw Bodil, Bash and, strangely, Sky. "Oh hey Bodil" Baki yelled out, waving at the group. As he sat up, he was suddenly grabbed by his arms and was shaken.

"Where's my baby!?" Bash shouted, still shaking him and looking worried. "Bash!" Bodil quickly pulled him away, giving Baki room to breathe, "Calm down" Bodil told Bash, still trapping his arms down and kissing his cheek, calming him down.

"Okay one Ow!" Baki started saying, rubbing his arms, "And two, Simon is playing at the playground" he answered, pointing at the kid's playground. Baki could see the relief on their faces and a thankful grin from Bash before he pulled away and walking to the playground.

"Again, thank you SO much guys" Bodil told Baki and Ghost, thanking them. "It's cool Bodil....but can someone please explain to me on HOW and WHY is Simon small?" Ghost asked him.

Both Bodil and Sky looked at each other for a few seconds before turning to start explaining when all four of them felt an evil aura behind them. Slowly turning around, they saw Bash standing there, his eyes was covered by his hair; his hands are turned into fists and a dark aura surrounding him.

"Simon is not there" he said, grinding his teeth, glaring at them.

'Oh shit' was all four was thinking.



Little Simon was still chasing the butterfly when he ran into something and fell back on his butt.

"Huh?" he looked up and blinked.




Cliffhanger XD

Try to guess who he ran into next and I PROMISE that its the last time XD

Piper out-

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