Chapter Finale

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I finally got this finished XD

so yeah



Chapter Finale


"Hey Bash I'm, back!" Bodil yelled out as he locked the door behind him as soon as he was inside. He then heard a shushing noise in the living room and walked inside to see Bash looking at him from the couch. "Shh....he's asleep" Bash told him and Bodil stood behind the couch, looking over to see Little Simon lying on top of Bash asleep.

"Hehe, finally managed to get him asleep" Bodil said smirking a bit. Bash groaned a bit, nodding, "It took a while, but I managed to calm him down by turning on the TV" he said, pointing at the TV, still on.

Humming a bit, Bodil walked around and gently lift Bash up a bit, sitting down before lying Bash back down on his lap. Bash blushed at the gesture, but wasn't complaining and looked back to the TV.

(Few Hours Later)

Letting out a yawn, Bodil turned his head a bit to see the time.

12:45 am

"Well....time to go to bed" Bodil said as he leaned back, stretching a bit before looking down to see Bash asleep and smiled. Humming a bit, Bodil slowly ran his fingers through his hair, still smiling.

He had some thinking done during the whole de aging Simon thing and found out that he have some feelings for Bash and while taking care of the child, Bodil somehow liked the titles that was given by Little Simon, making his feelings for Bash grow stronger.

Letting out a sigh, Bodil slowly removed his fingers but suddenly tensed when he felt Bash stir a bit and he let out a yawn. "Why you stop" Bash said yawning more, looking up at him. "Um...m-maybe we should p-put Simon into bed" Bodil said stuttering a bit, "Mm...yeah your right" Bash answered, yawning again and slowly sat up, holding Little Simon close, trying not to wake him.

Bodil stood up and helped Bash off the couch. As Bodil was checking all the windows and doors, Bash quietly walked upstairs to the guest bedroom and walked inside. Walking to the bed, Bash pulled the covers back and gently placed Little Simon down on the bed, who woke up from the movement and yawn, rubbing his eye tiredly.


"Shh..." Bash cooed as he gently removed Simon's shirt and started tucking him into bed and gave him a plush Enderman. Little Simon yawned again and slowly curled up, holding the plushie close, slowly falling asleep.

Bash placed a kiss on his forehead and quietly walked out, but bumped into Bodil, who was standing outside. "He's asleep?" Bodil asked as he closed the guest bedroom door closed. "Yeah" Bash answered, nodding and looked up at him.

Both of them simply stared at each other in silence for a few seconds before Bodil made a quick decision and leaned down, kissing Bash. He let out a squeak of surprise but started moaning when Bodil pushed his tongue inside and slowly kissed him back.

One action led to another action and soon enough, both of them quickly, yet quietly went into Bodil's room and Bash closed the door behind them. (AN: You guys know what happened XD)


Letting out a groan, he slowly woke up, feeling a bit light headed. "Ngh..." he groaned and slowly sat up, rubbing his head, trying to figure out what had happened. Feeling the soft breeze brush against his chest, he opened his eyes and looked down to see that he don't have a shirt and was holding a plush Enderman.

"What happened?" he asked himself and slowly removed the covers and got out of bed, stretching a bit. Looking at the alarm clock, he saw that it was eight in the morning and suddenly smelled something good. Following the scent, he walked out of the bedroom and downstairs to the kitchen and stopped, seeing something that slightly made him confused.

In the kitchen, standing in front of the stove, making breakfast was Bodil with no shirt and just in pajamas pants and also there's thin red lines going down his back.

"Bodil?" he called out, still confused and Bodil quickly turned around, looking shocked and a bit happy. "Simon! Your back to normal" Bodil happily said and quickly pulled him into a hug. "What are you talking about? What happened and why are you half naked?" Simon kept asking him questions, still confused.

Chuckling, Bodil pulled away, "Don't worry buddy, I'll tell you, but right after breakfast" Bodil told him, gently pushing him towards the counter. Simon groaned in annoyance, "Ugh...fine" he finally said and took a seat. Still smiling, Bodil went back to cooking and after a few minutes have passed, footsteps were heard, coming downstairs and to the kitchen.

Bash walked in, yawning and was only wearing a large shirt that comes down to his knees. Looking around, his eyes landed on Simon and gasp. "Simon!" Bash happily said and ran to him, pulling him into a hug, catching Simon by surprise. "Your back" Bash said, hugging him tightly, "" Simon managed to say as he was slowly being suffocated by the hug, not realizing what he said.

"Okay Bash, let him breath" Bodil told him, gently pulling Bash away, letting Simon breath again. "Sorry" Bash apologized, smiling a bit and wiping a stray tear away, "Ow...your hug was really strong" Simon said rubbing his neck.

After Bodil managed to calm Bash down and finished cooking, all three of them started eating their breakfast as both Bodil and Bash explained to Simon of what had happened.

In the end, Simon was laughing, "I can't believe I did all that" he said giggling a bit. "Yeah, you were so hyper" Bodil said grinning at the story.

"Yeah...but thank you guys for taking care of me" Simon said, thanking them. Bash smile and reached over, grabbing Simon's hand, "Your welcome Simon"


So yeah this is the end

Everything's back to normal XD

So yeah

Piper out-

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