Chapter One

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 Honestly, I can't believe I haven't seen any other fics yet based off of the Circles video! If there are any, please, please send me a link so I can read it. :) 

Warnings: Implied/Referenced Torture, Violence, and Rape/Non-con. Most of the torture and rape/non-con scenes take place off screen, and obviously the torture and its after effects on the characters are mentioned, but they're not really detailed. Except for one fairly graphic scene in later chapters. There is a fair bit of violence, though.

Additional AN: While the story is mostly around Vic rescuing Kellin and their love story, this is a true ensemble fic, meaning everyone in PTV and SWS has a pretty big part in the story. Also, the scenes aren't necessarily in chronological order. For example, this chapter starts with Vic's point of view seven days after SWS went missing, but then it goes to a scene from Jack's point of view that takes place only four days after they went missing. It's totally fine, though, if you don't pay attention to the dates. You won't get confused.

Disclaimer: I do not know any of the members of Pierce the Veil or Sleeping with Sirens, nor have I ever met any of them. The closest I have ever come is seeing SWS in concert not too long ago, and I wasn't even that close to the stage. None of this is real, it's all super made up, and I'm not making any money off of it. 


Day 7

His hands clenched into fists, muscles coiled tightly like a serpent ready to strike. "What do you mean it's not enough for a search warrant?" Vic nearly screamed at the police officer. The police officer held considerable height and girth on him, and could easily turn Vic to dust beneath his fist. But Vic had desperation on his side.

Seven days ago his life shattered around him. Seven days ago his boyfriend, Kellin, and his boyfriend's entire band vanished. Disappeared completely off the face of the Earth. Seven days ago he'd gotten his last text from Kellin.

At hotel. Call you in a few.<3

Vic waited three hours for a call that never came. He waited three hours before trying his boyfriend's phone, sending several texts asking why he hadn't called, and calling a few times with no response. He'd hoped his boyfriend had just fallen asleep accidentally. It had happened before... maybe. Once morning came, after a long, sleepless night, Vic blew up his boyfriend's phone, calling a dozen times. When that proved fruitless, he called everyone else in the band with no success.

Then the call came.

It was the Sleeping with Sirens tour manager asking if he'd spoken with Kellin recently. The boys never showed up for their interview in the morning. She traveled separately from them, like she normally did, and went to their hotel, the Holmes Hotel as it was called, only to find there was no sign they'd ever been there.

That was strange, considering Vic had a text saying his boyfriend arrived at the hotel.

His boyfriend's tour manager called the police. Vic caught the first plane out.

Vic had been there when the police questioned the hotel manager, hovering like the worried almost-spouse he was in the background. The manager was an older gentleman, on the wrong side of 40, with considerable pudge around his midriff. The left side of his face was disfigured, covered in long-healed burns that pulled the left side of his lips up into a permanent smirk, and shriveled up the skin around his glassy eye.

The manager claimed Sleeping with Sirens never showed. Even after being confronted with the text Vic had from Kellin stating they'd arrived, he stuck to his story, even going so far as to suggest Kellin had lied to cover up 'something else,' the hotel had manager said with a wink to the cop Vic was now arguing with. The police checked the hotel, found nothing, and crossed the manager off their list of suspects.

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