Chapter Four

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AN: See Chapter One for warnings


Day 8

"Ah ha!" Jaime triumphantly exclaimed. Vic jumped at the suddenness of it. They'd been wondering around silently in the dark, taking random turns as they came upon them. They had come to a dead end twice now, and each time it sent his heart sinking, but his frustration soaring. He needed to find Kellin. He needed the love of his life, and every second they wasted down here was a second something horrible could be happening to him. "I know where we are," Jaime said, striking a ridiculous Captain Morgan pose.

"Awesome. Good job, Jaime," Mike said, throwing an arm around Jaime's shoulder. "Where are we?"


"Of course," Mike sighed, seeing it was the complete opposite end of where they wanted to be.

"What's the quickest way to get to the main breaker?" Vic asked.

"Uh ... Does anyone have a pen?" Jaime asked.

Though they both thoroughly checked their bags when they first awoke in this hellhole, Vic and Tony double checked their bags for a pen, both coming up empty.

"Of course, we managed to bring everything else we need, but we don't have a pen," Jaime said, laying the blueprints flat against the ground. "Tony, flashlight please. Everyone, I need your fingers."

"Jaime, I know you're a weird dude, and I love you for it," Tony said, placing a hand on Jaime's shoulder and looking him in the eyes. "But seriously, dude, what?"

Jaime rolled his eyes. "Just put your finger here," he said, pointing to the first room labeled 'trap' on the map. "Put your other pointer finger here." Instead of asking, he grabbed Mike's pointer finger and placed it on the blueprint.

"Uh, what are you doing?" Mike asked.

"Since we don't have a pen to draw the quickest path out of here, I'm using you guys as a visual aide to find the quickest route," he said, unfurling Mike's other pointer finger and placing it next on the paper. "Vic, here and here," he said pointing to another trap on the map and what looked like a hallway that led to the prison cells. "That's it boys, that's our path out of here," Jaime said, nudging Tony in the ribs. "You doubted the master, but I am God!"

"Oh great superior being," Tony sarcastically said, "are we supposed to do this every time you need to figure out where to go next?"

"Um, I haven't thought that far yet," Jaime said, crossing his arms and furrowing his brow at the blueprints, as if they held the answer.

"Jaime, get the pepper spray and tear the belt clip off of it," Vic said. Jaime looked confused, but followed orders. "Now use the clip to poke a hole in the map wherever our fingers are and other places along the path you need for a 'visual aide.'"

"Good thinking, citizen. I will take it from here" Jaime said in his best impersonation of a 1950s superhero, as he poked the necessary holes in the blueprint. "Isn't he beautiful?" he said holding up the paper like he just found a map to world's largest treasure.

"There's something wrong with your brain," Tony said with a laugh and a shake of his head.

"Or is there something wrong with your brain for loving me anyways?" Jaime asked with a cheeky smile, nudging Tony in the ribs with his elbow.

"Where do we go to first, Hime-Time?" Vic asked with a forced smile. He wanted to feel some of the brevity Tony and Jaime felt in this moment, but he couldn't. Not with the fate of his boyfriend weighing heavily on his shoulders.

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