Chapter Nine

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AN: See Chapter One for warnings


Day 9

"I-I don't know what happened," Jaime said, running a shaky hand across his sweaty brow. "My arm, it just got caught on something, and-and the map got torn from my hand. And I tried to reach for it, but I was still sliding down the tunnel, and it was stuck on whatever caught my arm. And I wasn't quick enough. And I thought, I thought it would just come floating down the tunnel. It has to come down, right? But it's not coming down."

"Jaime," Mike said slowly, cautiously approaching him and Vic. "It's okay."

"It's okay? It's not okay. It's not okay," Jaime hysterically said with a weak, shaky laugh that scared Vic. He'd never seen Jaime loose his cool before. No matter the situation, Jaime always had a joke, always had something to say to try and cheer everybody else up. But now he had been reduced to a rambling mess, and it was frightening to witness. "We're trapped down here without the one thing we need to lead us out," Jaime said, shaking his head vigorously. "And it's all my fault –"

"It's not your fault," Vic quickly cut in, grasping both of Jaime's shoulder, trying to control the other man's uncontrollable shaking.

"But I lost the map and –"

"It's not your fault, Jaime," Vic reassured. Jaime shook his head no again and buried his face in his hands. "I know it seems hard right now, but please calm down," Vic said.

"Deep breaths, hermano," Tony said, dragging himself to his feet, though he still clutched his bad shoulder.

"But ... Kellin. And the guys," Jaime said.

Vic felt his heart clench painfully, and he squeezed Jaime's shoulder a little too tightly. Every moment they wasted was a moment something horrible could be happening, a moment closer to death for all of SWS. That thought weighed heavily on each of them.

But that wasn't Jaime's fault, and he didn't deserve to blame himself for it.

"That's not your fault either," Vic softly said. "We'll figure something out, okay?"

Jaime nodded. Though his eyes were still wet, Jaime finally took a deep breath and calmed down a little.

Until Tony said, "Don't freak out, man, but you're bleeding."

"I'm what!?" Jaime said, starting to hyperventilate again.

"I said don't freak out," Tony said, grabbing Jaime's left wrist and maneuvering him to expose the back of Jaime's upper arm. Underneath Jaime's torn shirt was a cut that went from his shoulder down to his elbow.

"Oh my God, is it bad? Am I going to bleed to death?" Jaime asked, and if he hadn't looked so sincere about the question, Vic might have laughed at him.

"I don't think it's that deep," Tony said, shining the flashlight on the cut.

"I'm just gonna slather the cut with antibiotic cream, wrap it in gauze, and you'll be as good as new. Sound good?" Tony said, slipping the backpack off his shoulder and pulling out the first aid kit.

Jaime nodded frantically, looking away as Tony popped the cap on the antibiotic ointment. He hissed as Tony covered the cut and wrapped it, only daring to look once Tony stepped back. "All good?" he asked in shaky voice.

"All good," Tony reassured.

"I'm sorry," Jaime said, finally opening his eyes again, but he was blushing and staring at the ground. "I'm not too good with blood and stuff."

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