This is how they met but something different

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Frisk has met Sans and Papyrus, and basically everyone in Snowdin. But Frisk hasn't been to Hotlands yet, but she doesn't want to leave Snowdin for some reason, ( imagination time ), and after a long thought about it, Frism decides to stay at the Snowdin inn. Since you always get your gold/money back.

     Frisk has just woken up from a nice long sleep. After like an hour of getting ready to explore some more in Snowdin, she looks at the mirror in her room. She looks like she matured a bit. After leaving the inn she stopped in her tracks, wondering where tl go.

     Sans: Heya kid, howzit goin?

Frisk turned to see Sans, and for once isn't wear slippers, instead is wearing blue sneakers.

     Frisk: Hey Sans. I'm doing well so far. You?

      Sans: Same. Anyway I'm gotta go to work.

       Frisk: You have a job? What do you do?

       Sans: I sell hot dogs in Hotlands.

        Frisk: *smiles a bit* I guess that makes you a pretty hot dude.

         Sans: pffft hahahaha nice one. Sounds as if you're letting off some steam on that one. Heh.

          Frisk: Hahaha.

          Sans: Hey, uh, would you like to come with me? To work I mean. You see I get very bonely sometimes.

           Frisk: Sure that sounds fun.

            Sans: Great. Here, *holds out hand* take my hand I know a short cut.

      Frisk then takes Sans hand, then in a flash of blue and white they were then in front a sentry station. Frisk then felt a bit dizzy then accidentally fell on Sans. Frisk was on top of Sans and he was completely blue, like a nice cream.

        Frisk: I am so sorry I didn't-

        Sans: It's okay kid! Don't sweat it.

      They both got up and were blushing like crazy-ish. Frisk was cherry red and Sans was blue like nice cream... I guess Frisk would be the cherry to his nice cream then? ANYWAYS, Sans and Frisk then spent the entire morning/ evening telling jokes, talking about breaking the barrier, but don't know how.

       Sans: Actually Frisk...
       Frisk: Yes Sans?

       Sans: I might know someone who could help break the barrier, but-

        Frisk: Who!?

        Sans: He used to be the royal scientist, and he is... my father...

         Frisk: Is he doing well? Do you know where  we could find him?

          Sans: Yes and no. I know how to get to where he is, but I don't know where he is in that area. It could take a long time but hey we got nothin better to do anyway, amirte?

         Frisk: Sans, how do we get to him?

          Sans: Comon kid. It's tims J show ya this. *holds out and for another short cut *

       Frisk grabs his hand, and likes the sensation, but puts the feelings aside. They were then in a dark room. It felt a bit cold and small.

SANS X FRISK Where stories live. Discover now