Things get awesome here!

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     Frisk and Sans were in the lab, underneath Sans house, also known as the basement. Frisk looked around confused where they were, since the lights were out. Sans let go of Frisks hand to go turn on the light. Once the light was on, Frisk got a better look on where thry were. What caught Frisks attention was the big, thinging covered up at the end of the room.

       Frisk: What's that?

       Sans: That's a machine that can travel through timelines, and alike. This is how... how the royal scientist got lost.

       Frisk: Lost? You mean he lost his way or something?  Cuz I don't get it.

        Sans: Not what I meant. I mean there was an accident, that occurred, and he was using it at the time. When that accident occurred he was then sent to a different timeline, also known as the void.

        Frisk: Sounds like fun. So how do we use this?

        Sans: I know how, but... It's been broken for a while and I have no idea how to fix it. So I thought... you do?

        ( Frisk is 15 btw, and Sans is 16, and Frisk goes to Highschool)
Frisk felt very glad, and excited. She takes a class just for this kind of thing - mechanics-  and she has a B+ in that class!

         Frisk: I actually might be able to help with this. I take a clads for this kind of stuff.

         Sans: Really? That's great!

         Frisk: Do you have the tools for it?

          Sans: Yeah... no. But I do know a friend who might. She's in Hotlands.

           Frisk: Great. Should we give her a call before we go over, or just go?

            Sans: Actually, I think this can wait til tomorrow. Wanna spend the night? Since ya gotta be here anyway for tomorrow...

             Frisk: Sure, that sounds great.

             Sans: Great. Comon, I'll use a short cut. *extends hand for Frisk*

              Frisk: *grabs hand*

       Sans and Frisk then were in the living room, where Papyrus was sitting on the couch watching T.V.  Once Papyrus saw Sans and Frisk, Papyrus then jumps out of his couch and scoops up Frisk, and runs into the kitchen.

    * Papyrus wanted to teach how to cook spaghetti, so he waited for her patiently... oh and time skip. I have a no clue how to cook. :-P *

       After making the spaghetti, and eating it Papyrus went over to Undynes house tl spend the night for some more 'training'. Which means.... Frisk and Sans are alone. Lol jk, no lemon. Frisk and Sans were on the couch watching T.V., a.k.a MTT. Frisk then looks at Sans, curiosity taking over her.

          Frisk: Sans.

          Sans: Yeah?
           Frisk: How do you move exactly?  I mean you don't have any muscles, or joints!

        Sans then stand up and went to pick up Frisk. Sans was then holding Frisk... awkwardnesses...

            Sans: See buddy? No need for any of that joints, or muscle things you humans have. Heh.

             Frisk: * blushes like a cherry*

              Sans: * slowly, but surely turns nice cream blue, then a deeper shade.*

         Sans then quickly let go of Frisk, but the sudden of her falling made her grab onto Sans jacket, causing him to fall with her. Sans was then on top of Frisk, or well pinning her down. Frisk looked up at Sans, eyes full of confusion. 'How cute... wait why am I thinkin this!? She's human! ' Sans thought. Sans then quickly got and went to the couch, and sat down like it was an order. Frisk however, was still on the floor. She got up slowly and looked at Sans eyes full of yet still confusion, and... wanting? Wuuuuut?

            Sans: Welp kid I'm gonin to bed. See ya.

         Sans then teleported to his room, not even bothering to see if the door was locked. He then threw himself onto his bed, and somethered his face/skull into his pillow. 'QUIT THINKIN LIKE THAT!' Sans yelled inside his head. He... he wanted to... he really wants too... no. She's human, and he's a monster. How could anyone like him, like the way he liked her...uggghhhhh!

         Frisk was still in shock from what just happened. She then quickly jumped onto the couch, and buried her face into the pillow, wishing she could jusg melt away. 'Wooooooow, ok, this is totally new... ' Frisk thought. 'No. It was just an accident. Nothing more. Just go to sleep, and then wake up to fix a machine that can possibly explode, or send you into a whole different timeline.' Wow. And with that being thought, Frisk then tried to force herself to sleep, but couldn't stop thinking, until finally sleep finally won her over. Sans was also asleep.

SANS X FRISK Where stories live. Discover now