Dear Diary,

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It's 11:30 pm and I can't sleep. I have school tomorrow and I have to wake up at 5.

It's probably because of cramps.

Stupid cramps.

Speaking of....that, I woke up at 5 this morning, to find out that I bled all over my legs.

And bed.

That was fun, cleaning it up.

So, I have Athazagoraphobia

It means the fear of being forgotten or ignored.

Sometimes I feel like I'll wake up, and no one will remember me.

I don't know why.

I'm loud so I should be memorable.

So, i don't know what else to talk about.

I guess I'll talk about my family.

So there's my dad, he not home much because of his work, and treats me like I'm not human.

He's ridiculous.

Then there's my mom.
She's a helicopter parent. Which means ZERO privacy. She's always home and works at an elementary school.

My oldest brother, I'm gonna call him.... Alejandro. K?
Well he's a musician. He has like 3 albums on iTunes and lives in California. I don't see him much.
He's 29

Then there's the twins. They just turned 28. I'm gonna call them Carlos and Sanjay. They both live in California.
Sanjay has a wife and are expecting their first child.
Carlos doesn't do much that I know of.

Then there's me, I'd tell you my name, but I don't know you, so I go by Scarlett. I'm in high school and I live off of YouTube, Wattpad, and Netflix.

Then there's my twin brother. I don't know what he does honestly. He sleeps a lot. I know that.

My little sister is a jerk right now. One minute she'll be playing with Legos and the next she'll be dumping clear Lego blocks in front of your door.

That's basically my family. We're weird. But weird is good. Right?

Thanks for listening. Until next time.

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