Peter Parker

28 4 0

Requested by TheKawaiiKitty

*cuteness overload*
*FGHA (fangirl heart attack)*
*Main character is named Brooklyn*
Summery: Brooklyn and Peter are best friends.
Brooklyn likes Peter.
Peter likes Brooklyn.
Brooklyn knows that Peter likes her, but Peter doesn't know that she knows.
In this one-shot, Peter won't let Brooklyn watch what she wants on tv.
So, she makes a plan.

"Peter! I don't want to watch a show about the first car! I want to watch Psych! It's only on every once and a while!"

"No! I want to watch this!" He replied.

Peter and I have been arguing over the remote for the last 15 minutes. I was getting sick of it.

I was going to give up, but then I had an idea.

Peter likes me. And I like him. So, this plan could work. 😈

"Hey Pete!" I smiled sitting down next to him.

"H-hey." He stuttered.

I could fell his heartbeat speed pick up. Good.

I laid my head on his shoulder and put my legs across his lap.

"Brook-Brooklyn what, what are you doing?" He asked. He seemed nervous and intrigued at the same time.

"Oh nothing." I smirked.

I put my hand on his stomach and caressed the outlines of his abs.

Was this awkward for me?


Was I upset?


I mean, he had abs all of the sudden.

"Brooklyn, I, what are you, you're" he stuttered.

He's adorable.

"Shhh." I quieted him.

His grip on the remote tightened as I caressed his stomach.

This was clearly not getting me any closer to the remote.

So I did what I had to do.

I kissed him.

As we kissed his grip on the remote loosened.

This was my chance.

I pulled away, about to grab the remote, but I was interrupted my his cute smol voice.

"B-Brooklyn, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked in an extremely nervous voice.

I smirked in thought. "For the remote?"

He smiled. "For the remote."

He handed over the remote with a smile on his face.

As I switched it to Psych, Peter wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his chest.

Today was a good day.

My best friend became my boyfriend, and, I got the remote.

Oh! And I almost forgot! Peter is now as obsessed with Psych as I am.

It was a very, good day.

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