Suffered that much?!!

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Axel's POV

I couldn't believe my ears.
"Why is she wearing it still now?" I asked.

"Cause she loves me and him most. She can't marry you for him. She still loves him. Never couldn't let him go from her heart ,Though he is no more. She couldn't forget him. I think she never will." She said to make me surprised.

"What happened? They broke up?" I asked.

"Yes. Lee was forced to do that." She said.

"What do you mean by forced?" I asked.

" We were happy and Merlin couldn't let this happen. She told Lee to broke up with him or she will kill him. Lee was so afraid of losing him. She the next day broke up with him using the harass word she can tell. Hurt him so much. He was very surprised. He even begged Lee not to break up the would do anything to give her everything. She was broken insider seeing love of her life begging in front of her. She wanted him to hate her. She slapped him which was making her heart stabbed. But she never could see something bad happened with Aiden. She loves him so much. That night Merlin killed Aiden though they got break up. She shoot him and let his body blew on the steam. She gave Lee Auden's shirt which he was wearing that morning. I cried out so loud. Lee didn't even move. She was holding Auden's shirt so tightly and looking at that. She got shocked. I tried to get her. She was lost. From that day Lee stopped talking even smile what she always did. She stopped taking food. One night Mrs. Gonzen found her unconscious laying on the floor. Her pulse was so weak . We admitted her in the hospital. She was saved that time. But we were too close to lose her. We took her home. She stopped talking completely. She was so sick and dying day by day, until one day... One day..." She stopped.

"What? Tell me? Did she tried to suicide?" I was so worried about her. Though I know she is fine now.

" No. Marc. My step brother, he ... he.. he tried to do something nasty with me that night. " She trembled for that moment and closed her eyes for a moment. My hand aromatically turned into a fist. I saw Zach was seeing Emerald in a broken eyes but the anger against Marc was clear there.

"Emerald you don't have to continue if you don't want" I told her.

She opened her eyes and looked at me for a moment then Started, " No, Mr. Anderson let me."

"As you wish". I said.

" Marc was drunk. He entered my room I was laying on bed. I got up and asked him what he wanted. He came to me and tried to kiss me. I pushed him away and get down from my bed. He came to me I slapped him so hard . He hold my hand and twisted it. I shouted for help no one was there. Marc hold his grip against my throat. His grip was so tight I was gasping for air. I felt like dying. I was struggling for a breath but he didn't let me Suddenly I felt his grip loosen. He left me and fall on the ground with a sharp painful scream. I also fall on the ground breathing so heavily. I cried in pain. Suddenly felt two arms around me which pulled me into a hug. I hugged back and see it was Lee. I got surprised to see her. She got out of depression. We were crying very much. She planted a lot of kisses to my head , cheeks and forehead. She was trying to make me stable. I was stabled. Merlin and dad came. Merlin accused me that I.. I was trying to...trying to seduce Marc. I was only 11 and Marc was 19.
But my father didn't believe me. He slapped me hard. I was speechless when he called me a bitch. Merlin cursed my mom. Called her much more bad things that I can't even imagine. Marc said my dad that he wanted me. My dad assured him that he will get me on time. He was sent boarding school for completing studies. We were burden into more and more torture by his family. " she said.

"What kind of torture?" I said.

She sighed deep and remove her scarf and we saw there there some burning spot.

"Sara and Noah gave that so that I couldn't wear backless. I never wear that kind of dress."she said.

I was shocked enough for reacting. She remove her jacket a little bit from her forearm. I saw a big burning spot.

" It's quite new you know.. Just before one week I got it. When I got five minutes late to iron the clothes for Merlin she ironed my arm." She smiled. I was to shocked. " Lee has more "

"What?" I was still shocked.

"Burning spot, as she always defended me." She said.

"I know the torture was enough for you to flee from home. But exactly why you left home?" I asked.

"Well. Lee had no problem to marry you. She knew her fate was something like that. She will be used like an object. She was ready to sacrifice herself for me cause Merlin promised her that if she got married with you she would spare me and save from Marc. But that day she heard my dad and Merlin's conversation they are deceiving us. They will get me married with Marc after you go for your honeymoon so that Lee can't do anything. Listening this Lee didn't wait for a second to leave the house as soon as possible." She finished.

"What the creep!?" I said.
"That's called life". She smiled.

" Huh?!" I was dumb.

"Though Lee talks like she doesn't care but she actually asked uncle John to help dad silently. He is trying. Maybe he will be able to return your money." She said.

"She did?" I asked surprisingly.

"Yes." She said.

"Why?" I asked.

"He loves us or not it doesn't matter. We love him". She said.

" After all he has done?! " I got shocked.

"Yes." She said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Cause our mom loved him so much. Can I say you something?" She said hesitantly.

"Of course. Go ahead." I smiled at her.

"You.. You.." She was still hesitating.

"Yeah???" I encouraged her.

"You look so alike Aiden. First time I saw you in the street I thought you are Aiden. He also called me Tinkerbell. He used to carry me in his back giving piggy back ride, bought me a lot of cotton candies, actually did everything to make me happy. I miss my Angel Brother. My Bro. He was such an Angel. I will always miss him. Your eyes, smile, attitude are so alike that I thought you are Aiden. But is no more now. Evey year Evelyn and I celebrate his birthday and Evelyn makes cake for him. She doesn't cry that day. Just stay happy For him. " she said to make me feel miserable more.

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